March 30, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Day 4 3/30/2019

Well first off, Happy Birthday to me! yep today is my 45th Birthday and I spent the entire day playing in the AdeptiCon Guild Ball Championships. The event started at 10:00 AM and after 4 games my son and I were ready to call it a day.  With 38 players registered, it was going to be a 6 Round...

March 29, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Day 3 3/29/2019

Friday was Day 3 for AdeptiCon and it did not go as scheduled for myself.  My son went downstairs early for his Batman Miniatures Game tournament and I was heading down an later and I was entered in the X-Wing System Open Qualifier.  At the last minute I decided to bail out on the event...

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Day 2 3/28/2019

Day 2 for AdeptiCon has come and gone.  Today was going to be our shopping day with a little bit of gaming. The vendor hall opened up at 10:00 AM and we were downstairs right when it opened.  We walked up and down each aisle just handing my wallet to every vendor we see, not really but...

March 28, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Day 1 3/27/2019

Day 1 for AdeptiCon was mainly a travel day for my son and I.  We left Michigan around noon our time and made it slowly towards the Chicagoland area. On our way we stopped at a gaming store in Lemont called Gamestorm that I had heard about to check out the store and see what they have in stock. ...

March 27, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Officially Starts Today!

AdeptiCon 2019 officially starts today and in just a few hours my son and I will hit the road and make our way to Schaumburg, IL.  The drive is not bad at all, only 2.5 hours and we'll take our time getting there.  Hotel check-in is not till like 3-4 PM so there is not much to do beforehand...

March 26, 2019

Guild Ball: Hunter's Guild 'Steeljaw'

Well I was able to get another model completed just in time for AdeptiCon 2019 (just in case my son will be adding this model to his roster).  'Steeljaw' the new Captain for the Hunter's Guild is now completed.  'Steeljaw' is one of the four new Captains released on March 1st and my third...

Battle Report: Arena Rex 3/25/2019 Ludus Magnus vs Legio XIII (3v3)

Wow, I cannot believe it has been three months since our last game of Arena Rex, and the first game of 2019, I do miss the quickness of the game play, I may have to remember that as I am shopping the aisle of the vendor hall at AdeptiCon this week. We played the scenario "Duellum" which we played...

March 25, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #12 (Week of AdeptiCon 2019)

"Monday, Monday, so good to me" It was a pretty good week for me last week and this week will be even better with AdeptiCon 2019 starting in just 2 days on Wednesday.  Check-in begins Wednesday night and all the gaming and shopping begins on Thursday. Let's recap week #12 first before we move...

March 24, 2019

Battle Report: Guild Ball 3/24/2019 Butcher's vs Hunter's (AdeptiCon Practice)

Seeing how last weekend I did not play in my own event "Cooking with a Roast", I needed some more practice games before I head off to AdeptiCon on Wednesday, so earlier today my son and I were able to get in 2 games (just like our 2 games of X-Wing practice on Saturday). We both changed up our lineups...

Battle Report: X-Wing 3/23/2019 (AdeptiCon Practice)

Yesterday my son and I played 2 games of X-Wing to get a little more practice for the X-Wing System Open Qualifier at AdeptiCon next Friday.  My son will not be playing in X-Wing (but instead Batman) but he still got in a few games for my much needed practice. Last time I played a couple weeks...

March 22, 2019

Guild Ball: Miner's Guild Assembled

I had a busy last couple of days assembling models, first with 'Mataagi' and 'Mourn', then 'Steeljaw' and then I decided to work on assembling the new Miner's Minor Guild. Unlike the previous Minor Guilds; Ratcatcher's, Falconer's, Navigator's and upcoming Cook's which all come as PVC plastic material,...

Guild Ball: Mortician's Guild 'Mourn'

With the recent release of three new Captains this past March 1st, my Mortician's were now incomplete and I had to get 'Mourn' completed.  'Veteran Boar' was the first of the new Captains completed since the Butcher's are my go to playing Guild, and yesterday I decided to just quickly paint...

March 21, 2019

X-Wing: Wave III Is Available Now

Today March 21st marks the release of Wave III for X-Wing 2.0.  Since the release of X-Wing 2.0 I have not really purchased that many new ships.  Back in Wave 1 I did purchase 'Lando's Millennium Falcon' and couple of 'Fang Fighters', but other than that, my son and I have been playing with...

Guild Ball: Falconer's Guild 'LE Mataagi'

Back when I purchased "The Falconer's Guild: Daughter of Falcons", I also received a Limited Edition alternate sculpt of 'Mataagi'.  This worked out really nice because 'Mataagi' is also one of the Falconer's that can play for the Hunter's Guild.  With the recent errata change to 'Chaska',...

March 20, 2019