October 12, 2018

Daily Chronicle: Upcoming Warmachine/Hordes Michigan Cup 10/14/2018

This weekend is the Michigan GT in Lansing Michigan.  It is a gaming convention with multiple events like Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Bolt Action and Warmachine/Hordes.

Last year I had planned to attend and play in the Warmachine/Hordes Championships (75 point Steamroller), but car issues had kept me from attending.  This year I had no intentions on attending.  My son and I just came back from the NOVA Open last month, and I spent all last week on vacation with my wife.  Plus this is the same weekend as SteamCon USA and if I was attending one of these events, I probably would have tried to attend SteamCon USA, but I was not attending either......up until today.

My friend TJ this afternoon sent me a text asking if I wanted to fill in as their 5th player in the WM/H Michigan Cup (they had a late dropout). This is a slightly modified version of the popular World Team Championship competition format.  This challenging format features 5-person teams squaring off after a strategic round of pairing that can be as important as the actual games! Specific rules for this event at the Michigan GT are forthcoming but will follow the structure of the official WTC.  After thinking about this for a little bit (one of our pup had just had surgery on Tuesday and I needed to make sure someone can watch him), I decided that I am going to attend.

It actually has been some time since I last played (NOVA Open), so I think I will just play the same list I used in the Team Event at the NOVA Open.

I guess I better get in a refresher game tomorrow night.....


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