October 21, 2018

Battle Report: X-Wing 10/21/2018 (Rebels vs Rebels)

This afternoon before my son had to go in to work, we were able to get in a game of X-Wing.  All of X-Wing 2.0 I have been flying with the Scum, but today I wanted to change it up a bit and try a Rebel fleet.  I came across the list used to win the Michigan GT last weekend, so I thought I would give it a try.

*upgrades not listed
Rebel (A) (199) (me)
Wedge Antilles
Jan Ors
"Dutch" Vander
Blue Squadron Escort

Rebel (B) (197) (my son)
Wedge Antilles
Blue Squadron Escort
Blue Squadron Escort
Bandit Squadron Pilot

 Rebel (A)

Rebel (B)

I really do like the list alot, but it just was not the day for me.  My 'Wedge' was knocked out first and then I retaliated and killed his 'Wedge'.  Next 'Jan Ors' got killed and I was down 4 ships to 2.  I could not come back and clock ran out on us.  Rebels (A) killed 134 points, Rebels (B) killed 179.  Scoring per the tournament packet would give my son 245 points to my 155.

I could use more practice with the above list, but I really enjoy flying my Scum.


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