October 31, 2018

Guild Ball: Hunter's Guild 'Snow'

It has been awhile since I last painted a model for my son's Hunter's Guild, but the other night after he decided to give them a try in Season 4, I decided to take one of his unfinished models and throw it on the painting table.  He still had one of his Mascots unpainted and that was 'Snow'. ...

October 30, 2018

Guild Ball: Brewer's Guild 'Veteran Decimate'

With an upcoming Guild Ball tournament on November 10th in Ft. Wayne, IN that my son and I are attending, our friend Frank will also be joining us.  Frank will be borrowing my painted Brewer's Guild (while he is still working on his) and I thought now would be a good time to finish off the last...

October 29, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #43

It was another decent week for me in the hobbies/gaming world, with getting a few models completed an a few games played.  I do not think I will be last year's Painting Points or Models Completed,  but that is also due to fact I do have a lot more games played this year than I have last...

October 28, 2018

Battle Report: Guild Ball 10/27/2018 Brewer's vs Blacksmith's

Another game of Guild Ball was played last night versus my son, and this time I decided to try a different Guild versus my son's Blacksmith's just so he can see a different match up.  I elected to go with the Brewer's Guild hoping I can deal a lot of damage.  Esters Quaff Friday Mash PintPot V...

October 27, 2018

Daily Chronicle: Announced "Bourbon Trail Open IV" February 23rd, 2019

Well I have my first event/convention/road trip officially booked for 2019 and the year for me will start with the "Bourbon Trail Open IV" a Guild Ball event in Radcliff, KY on February 23rd. For me the last few years, the first event of the year ha either been the "Las Vegas Open" or "AdeptiCon". ...

October 26, 2018

Guild Ball: Blacksmith's Guild 'Bolt'

Another model completed for our Blacksmith's Guild, today we have an Attacking Midfielder, 'Bolt'. That now brings our completed Blacksmith's to 12 models, enough for a full roster.  All that leaved to be completed is 'Hearth'.  Not sure when I will get around to painting 'Hearth', more...

Battle Report: Arena Rex 10/25/2018 Ludus Magnus vs Legio XIII (3v3)

It has been 2 weeks since our last game of Arena Rex (mainly getting in some Guild Ball practice) but last night my son and I threw down for a quick 3v3 game.  Now that I ha few more models assembled than the original 3 from the starter set, it may for a more interesting game. The Arena Ludus...

October 24, 2018

Guild Ball: Butcher's Guild 'Veteran Gutter'

I finally got around to finishing the last model for my Butcher's Guild.  I do have to say that my Butcher's Guild were all completed until this past spring/early summer when they released the models from last years "Union in Chains" campaign.  During the "Union in Chains" campaign, 'Veteran...

October 23, 2018

Guild Ball: Blacksmith's Guild 'Veteran Cinder'

Moving right along with the rest of the Blacksmith's Guild (though I may do a Butcher's Guild model next) 'Veteran Cinder' was up next on the painting table.  My son had proxied her in the other day to try her out, so I thought it would be nice to actually finish her up.  'Veteran Cinder'...

Battle Report: Guild Ball 10/22/2018 Butcher's vs Blacksmith's

Some more Guild Ball practice last night for my son's Blacksmith's Guild and my Butcher's Guild and this time I went back to my previous lineup led by Captain 'Ox'. In order to prep for upcoming tournaments, this was our first game using the clock, and I think both of us did not do to bad with it. ...

October 22, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #42 (Warmachine Weekend is a No Go)

As the title of my post says, with only 10 days before Warmachine Weekend starts, it looks like it is a No Go for my son and I to attend this year.  My son informed yesterday afternoon that he could not get the days off from work to be able to attend.  If I really wanted to (and I still...

October 21, 2018

Battle Report: X-Wing 10/21/2018 (Rebels vs Rebels)

This afternoon before my son had to go in to work, we were able to get in a game of X-Wing.  All of X-Wing 2.0 I have been flying with the Scum, but today I wanted to change it up a bit and try a Rebel fleet.  I came across the list used to win the Michigan GT last weekend, so I thought...