September 30, 2018

MeSBG: The Dead of Dunharrow 'Warriors of the Dead' x10 (2)

We are on the last of September and the last post for the month.  I thought it would be a good way to close off the month with some models that I just completed yesterday. The new Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game starter box came with 20 'Warriors of the Dead', and I finished the first block...

September 29, 2018

Privateer Press: Cygnar Mystery Box

A friend of mine in Kalamazoo recently purchased a couple of the Privateer Press Mystery Boxes (hoping for Khador) and he ended up receiving a Cryx and Cygnar box.  He posted on the Facebook Groups looking to trade someone and there were not any takers, so I contacted him if he was willing to...

September 28, 2018

Battle Report: Arena Rex 9/27/2018 Ludus Magnus vs Legio XIII

I was able to get in another 5v5 game of Arena Rex last night with 'Nero' once again in my lineup and it was another win for my Ludus Magnus.  I was actually a little shocked last night that 'Micon' finally pulled his weight and was able to Push 3 Legio XIII models into the Pits before he fell...

September 27, 2018

Guild Ball: Season 4 Player Card Deck Pre-Order

I know it has been pretty quiet for me in terms of Guild Ball (I have not played since AdeptiCon, nor painted any models) and that is somewhat due to my interest in other games and the fact Season 4 will be releasing next month. A few weeks ago Steamforged Games announced that the new Season 4 rule...

September 24, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #38

Not much painting was completed last week, but I did start on another 10 'Warriors of the Dead' for MeSBG.  I am not sure if they will get completed this week, if anything I may have some time Friday night or Saturday morning, then I have to get ready for vacation next week. Gaming wise, I did...

September 22, 2018

Battle Report: X-Wing 9/21/2018 (Scum vs Rebels)

Last night we got in another game of X-Wing 2.0, this time a full 200 points vs 200 points.  We were still a bit slow on time (much slower than the 75 minutes allowed in a tournament game), but we are still learning 2.0 and some of the new symbols on the cards. Since I just opened 'Lando's Millennium...

X-Wing: Unboxing 'Lando's Millennium Falcon'

When we picked up the two X-Wings Starter Sets, I also had my son grab one of the X-Wing 2.0 expansions 'Lando's Millennium Falcon'.  With 2.0, I am trying to play more Scum & Villainy instead of Galactic Empire and I really like the Millennium Falcon, so a good way to get into S&V would...

September 21, 2018

Battle Report: X-Wing 9/20/2018

Last night my son and I finally got in a couple of games of X-Wing 2.0.  Just to begin with and refresh my memory on how the game plays (since it has been over 3 years since I played X-Wing) we elected to just start of playing with the Starter Sets.  My son was flying the Rebels with a T-65...

September 19, 2018

Daily Chronicle: Trying To Get Organized With X-Wing 2.0

Last Friday night I headed out to Kalamazoo to our semi-local game store to pick up our pre-order of X-Wing 2.0 conversion kits.  We had ordered 2 Rebel Alliance, 1 Galactic Empire and 1 Scum & Villainy conversion kits.  We also purchased 2 of the Starter Sets through mys sons work and...

September 18, 2018

MeSBG: The Dead of Dunharrow 'Warriors of the Dead' x10 (1)

The new Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game starter box came with 20 'Warriors of the Dead' and I ordered 20 more direct from Games Workshop, so I have 40 'Warriors of the Dead', 5 'Riders of the Dead' and 'The King of the Dead', that is enough points to easily make 750-800 point armies.  I really...

September 17, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #37

Another week has flown by and at least I did manage to get a few models completed last week ('Nero' for Arena Rex and 'The King of the Dead' for MeSBG) and a game of Arena Rex played on Saturday night.  My son and I were hoping to also try X-Wing 2.0 after our Arena Rex game, but the organizing...

September 16, 2018

Battle Report: Arena Rex 9/15/2018 Ludus Magnus vs Legio XIII

Last night my son and I played our first 5v5 game of Arena Rex.  Yesterday morning I quickly assembled 'Septimus' for my Ludus Magnus Cohort, and 'Sulla', 'Valen' for my sons Legio XIII Cohort.  With 'Nero' already being completed, we were now able to play a 5v5 game. Scenario: Munus A...

September 14, 2018

MeSBG: The Dead of Dunharrow 'The King of the Dead'

It has been 8 years since I last painted a model for Lord of the Rings SBG (now Middle-earth SBG) by Games Workshop, and I honestly did not think I would be painting any more.  There are two reasons for that, first, I stopped enjoying playing the game, second, Games Workshop really marked up...

September 13, 2018

Arena Rex: Beasts 'Nero'

I was able to squeeze in some time the other day and work on 'Nero' for Arena Rex.  'Nero' is a Beast and a Titan, and he is also part of my Ludus Magnus when he has his rider 'Septimus' with him.  When you use a rider for the mount, you also have to provide a foot model for when they dismount. ...

September 12, 2018

Daily Chronicle: FLG Mats Grasslands 1 4x4

Back on my post for the NOVA Open recap, I had mentioned that I purchased a new 4x4 gaming mat from TableWar Designs while I was there.  Actually he did not have the mat in stock with him, so he offered me free shipping from his warehouse.   When I got back home, I received an email...

September 10, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #36

Wow, I really did not get too much done last week.  For MeSBG, I did manage to assemble 20 'Warriors of the Dead' along with the 'King of the Dead'.  For Arena Rex, I did assemble 'Nero' for my Ludus Magnus.  Now I need to decide who I am going to paint first this week, I am leaning...

September 9, 2018

Battle Report: MeSBG 9/8/2018 The Kingdom Of Khazad-Dum vs Minas Tirith

Last night my son and I broke out our Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game armies and had our first game with the new rules that were released last weekend.  We elected to start off with a smaller point game (400 Points) just to get our feet wet in the water again, and since it has been about 7...