March 31, 2020

Daily Chronicle: Painting Points, End of 2020 Q1

Q1 for 2020 has just about come to and end (end of day today) and it was not a bad first quarter for the year in regards to Painting Points.  If your not familiar with my Painting Points, it is something I picked up many many many years ago from another blogger and it helps me keep track and motivates...

March 30, 2020

Guild Ball: New Errata v4.3 Just Released! (March 2020)

The new errata for Guild Ball v4.3 just was released on the Steamforged Blog, you can read about all the changes HERE. It has been six months since the last errata so we knew this one was coming soon and then it was confirmed this past Saturday on the SFG live keynote. Once I get all the cards updated...

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #13

Well week #13 is in the books, it was not as exciting as it should have been attending AdeptiCon 2020, but we made the most of it and were able to play 6 games here at home. Painting wise, nothing was completed except for a few colors on some 'Termagants', looks like my next batch of 5 will not be...

March 29, 2020

Daily Chronicle: "DraganCon I" Sunday 3/29/2020 Recap

Today was Day 3 of "DraganCon I" and instead of a larger 3000 point game of Warhammer 40,000 as originally planned, we still had to get our 2000 points ITC game in, so that is what was played today. We are still playing through the ITC Mission packet, so today's game was 'Scenario 3: Nexus Control' I...

Daily Chronicle: "DraganCon I" Saturday 3/28/2020 Recap

Day 2 of "DraganCon I" was yesterday, Saturday March 28th and we veered a little bit from our original schedule.  On ur schedule was suppose to be a 2000 point game of Warhammer 40,000 followed by a 1000 point.  We ended up starting the day with the 1000 point and ran a bit longer than expected...

March 28, 2020

Daily Chronicle: "DraganCon I" Friday 3/27/2020 Recap

I wrote the other day how my son and I would be spending the weekend gaming in the absence of AdeptiCon 2020, and yesterday kicked off our three day weekend of gaming. We started the day off getting ready to play a game of Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team at 125 points.  Being this is only our second...

March 25, 2020

Daily Chronicle: "DraganCon I" Schedule Of Events

As already mentioned plenty of times since being cancelled, AdeptiCon 2020 was suppose to take place this weekend, starting tonight and all the way through Sunday. When the cancellation was announced, then my son and a few friends were going to get together and play some games.  Now all three...

March 24, 2020

Daily Chronicle: Corona-19 update from Games Workshop

This morning I woke up to an email from Games Workshop with an important Corona19 update. Hi Everyone, Seems it’s finally time to stay at home and tackle that pile of sprue you’ve been stashing under the bed and finish that half-painted unit that’s been languishing on your desk. The safety...

Battle Report: Kill Team 3/22/2020 (Core "Sweep And Clear")

On Sunday I rolled out my new TABLEWAR Kill Team mat, set up some terrain and my son and I played our very first Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team game at 125 points each of my Imperial Fists vs Dark Angels. I decided to start with one of the Matched Play missions in the Core Rulebook, so the mission...

March 23, 2020

Battle Report: W40K 3/21/2020 (ITC2020 "Cut to the Heart")

This past Saturday my son and I played our first 2000 point game of Warhammer 40K (8th) using the ITC2020 Missions (second time playing with the full ITC rules).  Instead of just randomly rolling a mission from the packet, we are making our way through the packet first and the second mission...

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #12 (Week of AdeptiCon)

Even though COVID-19 has hit the world and a lot of people are working on painting projects, my output of models completed did not increase that much.  I ave been working from home for the last 13 years and currently still working (thankfully) so COVID-19 has not really affected me much except...

March 18, 2020

Kill Team: TABLEWAR Dbl Sided 'Urban Combat' + 'Badlands' F.A.T. Mat Gaming Mat

Come the end of the month I think I want to give Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team a try.  Most games are played at around 125 points (so just a few models) and the gaming area is much smaller (30"x22").  If the game plays fast, then I think it would be a good fill in for the weeknight gaming and...

March 17, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Whirlwind I'

Besides all the models I recently purchased for a Tyranid army, I still have a pretty healthy backlog of models for my Imperial Fists.  The Imperial Fists are now my "core" army that I will be mostly playing and expanding on (though that does not rule out any future Space Marine Chapters) and...

March 16, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #11

Well it has been a pretty sad week with as we all know AdeptiCon being cancelled, my countdown timer on the blog is already reset to the next convention which is NOVA Open in September, let us just hope that by then COVID-19 is done with. In my other gaming related news for the week, it has just...

March 15, 2020

Battle Report: W40K 3/14/2020 (ITC2020 "Seize Ground")

As I mentioned this morning, I was able to get in two games yesterday (with the first being MeSBG) and the second game was Warhammer 40,000.  The new rules for ITC 2020 were recently released at the end of February and we were going to wait till after AdeptiCon was over to start playing these...