March 28, 2020

Daily Chronicle: "DraganCon I" Friday 3/27/2020 Recap

I wrote the other day how my son and I would be spending the weekend gaming in the absence of AdeptiCon 2020, and yesterday kicked off our three day weekend of gaming.

We started the day off getting ready to play a game of Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team at 125 points.  Being this is only our second game of Kill Team, we introduced the use of Command Points in this game, but just the non faction ones for now.

Once we got the table and our armies ready to go, it was already 10:00 AM so we decided to watch the the live keynote session from Steamforged Games on YouTube.  I mainly was just paying attention to the talks about Guild Ball and how this Monday there will be an errata coming out for the game.  Once we were done listening about Guild Ball, we just kept it playing in the background.

Kill Team

As I mentioned above, this was our second game of Kill Team, so we used the second mission in the Core rulebook for Matched Play, "Take Prisoners".  Seeing how both of our armies (Imperial Fists and Dark Angels) like to stand and shoot, I had feeling while reading this mission, the game may end up in a tie.

Sure enough I was right, even though my Imperial Fists killed more of the Dark Angels, neither of us met any of the criteria and scored no actual Victory Points.  The gamed ended at the end of Turn 4, 0-0.  Originally our plan was to get in two games of Kill Team, but it was no lunch and we took a break and wanted to get started in the other two games systems.


After we finished lunch (fine take out from McDonald's) we prepped the table for a game of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.  Just like two weeks ago we elected to play 400 points and a scenario from the new "Matched Play Guide", it was randomly determined and we played "Fog of War".  My sons 400 point list was very different that his last game, instead of running some Gondor Warriors, he wanted to have fun and just run Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.  In this mission we had to selected a non Leader Character who we wanted to target, along with a piece of Terrain, keeping our own Leader alive and keep the Army from becoming broken.  I could not choose his Leader Aragorn, so I selected Legolas, and since I only had one Character, the King of the Dead, my son chose him.

Basically with only 3 models on his side and 20 on mine, it was not that hard to surround his modes.  He kept Legolas back a bit to try and get a few shots, I sent one warband to my right flank to go and capture the terrain piece and the rest of army concentrated on the three.

I lost a few of my Army of the Dead, but I managed to wrap up Aragorn with the King and 5 models for support and after 2 rounds of combat, Aragorn was slain.  U next I concentrated on Legolas seeing he was the model I was going to score points off of, it was not to difficult, once surrounded, there was not much he can do and the Elf boy went down.  His army was now broken and we rolled to end the game (1-2 it ends, 3+ we continue) a 2 was rolled and the game was over.  I managed with my Army of the Dead to achieve all 12 VP's to his 3 VP's.

We finished that game around mid afternoon and then started to prep the table for DC Universe Miniature Game.


Back on January 1st in my "What's in store for 2020" post, I mentioned about trying DC Universe Miniature Game (DCU) this year and hopefully getting in a game back in January, well January became March now and we finally got in our test game.  We originally were going to play with the full 60 points (about 5 models) but we both decided to just play with 3 and pretty much the same 3.  My son played Justice League with Superman, Batman and Green Lantern and I plated the Villains with models from the Crime Syndicate box, Ultraman, Owlman and Power Ring.  The scenario that we chose was the just the first one from the rulebook, "The Artefacts".

The game played very slow, not because of the rules, but because we were still learning them, but it seems like it will play at a pretty decent pace.  Last year I played 24 games of BMG (Batman) and I honestly think I enjoyed the mechanics of DCU than BMG (2e).  It is nice that each model has a Power Level and you can elect to spend those points however you want, standing still and just punching or moving or shooting.  The Crime Syndicate ended up winning this game 5-2 and only leaving Superman left on the table for the Justice League.

I am actually really looking forward to trying this game again sooner than later and possibly with the full 60 points.  Who knows, I may even paint a few of my DCU specific models.  I know Warhammer 40,000 for 2020 is my go to game, but we definitely need to keep this one up there also.

Up for today is a couple games of Warhammer 40,000.


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