May 31, 2019

Painting Points: May 2019

Since I started keeping track of Painting Points back in 2010, it helps keep me motivated to finish models, terrain, and to post here on the blog.  My previous record month for Painting Points had been back in March of 2014 with 177 points.  This month of May 2019 I had reached 196 points. ...

BMG: 4Ground "Shipping Container (A)" Terrain

I had almost forgotten that I had another Shipping Container (A) from 4Ground. sitting on my shelf waiting to be built until I noticed it the other night.  When my son and I were at Spring Fling last month for Guild Ball, I had made a purchase at the host store and it was this container. ...

BMG: Black Site Studios "City Bus Stop 2"

Along with the Industrial Dumpsters that were posted yesterday, I had ordered more items from Black Site Studios.  I had to purchase another City Bus Stop to go along with one I assembled last month, one bus stop was not enough for the city of Gotham. I still have a few more items left to assemble...

May 30, 2019

BMG: Black Site Studios "Industrial Dumpsters 3"

When I went to build my second set of Industrial Dumpsters from Black Site Studios, I did not realize when I ordered them that they come in sets of 2 (I had forgotten), so instead of ordering 2 Dumpsters, I ended up with 4....the more the better. Here are Industrial Dumpsters #'s 5 & 6....

BMG: Black Site Studios "Industrial Dumpsters 2"

I really like my Industrial Dumpsters from Black Site Studios so much that I went and ahead and ordered some more.  When playing on a city themed mat, I really like to have the board filled up as much as possible, grant it the dumpsters may not be used that much in a game (the occasional...

May 29, 2019

BMG: Muse on Minis "Shipping Crates"

While attending this past weekend's MuseOn Con in Des Moines, I really wanted to purchase some of the Muse on Minis "Shipping Crates" that they make for the Batman Miniature Game.  When we arrived and did our shopping, I was a little disappointed that they had none for sale. During our 350 Rep...

May 28, 2019

Battle Report: BMG 5/27/2019 (Batman vs Joker)

With yesterday being a US Holiday (Memorial Day) it meant I was able to squeeze in another game of BMG in the extended weekend. Before leaving for MuseOn Con, I had placed an order with Mats by Mars for one of their city street vinyl gaming mats.  I am not a fan of vinyl mats, but since we use...

May 27, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #21 (MuseOn Con Recap)

First off, let's start with our normal Weekly Chronicle before moving onto a recap of this past weekend's MuseOn Con. Painting wise, I was actually shocked that I completed 2 models before heading off to the Con, both were for Batman Miniature Game and they were 'Katana' and 'Diablo', which both...

May 23, 2019

BMG: Diablo (Chato Santana) [Unknown]

I was able to get another Suicide Squad model completed yesterday, (honesty I thought I was done for the week) and now it makes my decision a lot harder for which Crew I want to play with at this weekends MuseOn Con.  I think I am leaning towards using the Suicide Squad models, even though I...

May 22, 2019

BMG: Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) [BatB]

I really was not sure if I would get another model completed this week, but last night I was able to finish up another model from my Suicide Squad Bat-Box with 'Katana'.  'Katana' is technically a member of the Suicide Squad, but she also has her affiliation with The Brave and the Bold. With...

May 20, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #20

It was a pretty busy weekend for me and unfortunately I was not able to get any models completed this weekend nor prep any for the upcoming week.  I had a friend drive up from Indiana (originally we met while living in Arizona) Friday night and stay with us the entire weekend to get some gaming...

May 17, 2019

BMG: Plast Craft Games "Urban Building"

This is the last of the Plast Craft Games buildings that I recently ordered for the Batman Miniature Game.  With the existing 4Ground buildings we have and now these Plast Craft Buildings, our BMG table is starting to look more like a city. The final building "Urban Building" is from the Urban...

BMG: Plast Craft Games "Sanitarium"

Another building from the Malifaux line by Plast Craft Games is the "Sanitarium" or in my case it will be used as "Arkham Asylum".  As with the "Old Town Building" from earlier today, the "Sanitarium" has platforms big enough to hold models from the Batman Miniature Game. I have been really...