September 29, 2017

WM: Khador Grolar (Warjack)

The second Warjack that I needed to complete for a list I am thinking about playing at the Michigan GT next weekend is Grolar.  He is a pretty expensive Warjack at 18 points, but he is a ‘jack of all trades’, with some good shooting and melee.  The ability to shoot while in melee is an added...

September 28, 2017

WM: Khador Juggernaut II (Warjack)

Just a slight change of pace from painting Guild Ball the last couple of months (or six).  It has been just about 15 months since I last painted anything for my Khador army.  The last model painted for them was my Behemoth that I had purchased at Lock & Load 2016.  I have...

September 27, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild Completed

Well, the first 6 of the released models for the Farmer’s Guild are now completed.  As I mentioned in some of the model posts, I really enjoyed painting these guys, and took just a little bit of extra time with them.  I am no high quality painter, but I do feel like my quality is good for...

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Peck’

The first 6 of the Farmer’s Guild are now completed.  The Mascot ‘Peck’ was the last to get done.  This model is one that I am not actually thrilled on how it he came out.  I just was not ‘into it’ to paint chickens and a rooster.  More than likely when the donkey comes out in the...

September 26, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Jackstraw’

I am down to the final 2 models for my Farmer’s Guild.  Today we have ‘Jackstraw’, a Winger  for the Guild.‘Jackstraw’s’ MOV is not the greatest, actually pretty bad at 2”/4”, but he uses the harvest-markers to get around the Pitch.  He has a Character Play If I Only Had a Brain which...

September 25, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Windel’

Yesterday’s post was missed. Since I spent the day doing a cycling event, perfectly themed too...”Apple Cider Century”, anyways today post is on ‘Windel’, a Centre Back for the Farmer’s Guild.  I really enjoyed painting this model and took some time with it and I am quite happy on how he turned...

September 23, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Harrow’

Half way through the first set of the Farmer’s 6.  Today we are going with their Defensive Midfielder ‘Harrow’‘Harrow’ brings with him Tooled Up which is alwyas a nice Character Play to have, he also has a Character Trait called Rapid Growth [6” Aura] which at the start of the Maintenance Phase,...

September 22, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Bushel’

After a little Battle Report yesterday, it is time to continue on with the Farmer’s Guild.Up today we have ‘Bushel’, a Striker for the Farmer’s Guild.‘Bushel’ has a pretty decent KICK stat with a 3/8”, but where she really benefits from is one of her Character Traits Cabbage Punt.  Once per turn...

September 21, 2017

Battle Report: Guild Ball 9/20/2017 Butcher’s vs Hunter’s

Not much of an actually battle report, but more of an A$$ kicking to the Butcher’s.Last night I finally made the trek out to Big Kidz Games in Grand Rapids, MI for Wednesday night Guild Ball gaming.  Wednesday nights at BKG is pretty much dedicated for Guild Ball and Warmachine/Hordes....

September 20, 2017

Guild Ball: Farmer’s Guild ‘Grange’

Well here we go, the very first model completed for my Farmer’s Guild (well 2 if you count the ball).  As I mentioned yesterday, I am taking just a little bit more time on each of these models and picking out some more highlights.  Usually on my models I like the colors to flow more fluently...

September 19, 2017

Guild Ball: The Honest Land, The Farmer's Guild

Now that I just completed another Guild with the Mason's, it is time to move onto something new.  Seeing how we are just 3 days away from the official start of the Fall Season, I think it is a great time to finally start on the Farmer's Guild with their new 6 man plastic boxed set.I have actually...

Guild Ball: Mason's Guild 'Chisel'

Well there we go, the final model for the Mason's Guild, at least for now....back at GenCon 2017 in August, SteamForged did release a model called 'Lucky' that can be played with the Brewer's or the Mason's Guild.  Currently that model is only available at conventions or through an escalation...