November 30, 2010

Painting Points: November 2010

Well it was not a record month in "Painting Points" as far as number of points achieved, but it was still a great month regarding painting my Warmachine models. This past month finally saw me break out all my Warmachine models that I had bought a few years ago, plus a few new models we picked up...

November 29, 2010

WM: Cygnar Hunter (Warjack)

After I finished "Captain Adept" yesterday, I decided to continue working on Cygnar and complete the last Light Warjack that we have, "Hunter".  Since I had all the colors already out, "why not?" I try and encourage playing with painted models as much as possible (especially when playing at...

November 28, 2010

WM: Cygnar Gun Mage Captain Adept (Solo)

Since it's football Sunday, it's my day to paint and watch TV.  As I mentioned this morning in my "Driller" post, I was going to move onto a few more Cygnar models before continuing on Khador.  I am awaiting for the primer to dry on some "Iron Fang Pikemen" and then I will actually start...

WM: Rhul Ghordson Driller (Warjack)

As I saw my "Ghordson Driller" just sitting in the package, I thought it was time to take a small break from Khador and to finish this model up. "Driller" is the last of the Mercenaries models I have for my Rhul army.  15 points to start with are now complete.  I'll play a few games at...

November 26, 2010

WM: Khador Manhunter Variant (Solo)

Khador My second "Manhunter" is now completed.  This model is the Female variant of the "Manhunter". Like I said in the Male verison post  these models are great to run alongside "Yuri the Axe". The double strikes with 'Weaponmaster', 'Stealth', 'Advanced Deployment', 'Pathfinder' and...

November 25, 2010

WM: Khador Yuri the Axe (Solo)

Khador First off, 'Happy Thanksgiving" to all!  I am on my way out the door to go start the turkey at my parents house and I thought I'd go ahead and add my latest model to the blog.Continuing on with Khador (at least for a few more models) up next we have the Solo "Yuri the Axe".  Having...

November 24, 2010

WM: Khador Manhunter (Solo)

Khador It was time to get back to work on my own Khador army.  I have some Solo's, and Weapons Crew and a Unit of Pikemen I'd like to get done soon.  I'm saving the Unit's for last (lol.... more to paint) but they'll also eventually get done. I decided that I will be starting on the Solo's...

November 23, 2010

WM: Cygnar Journeyman Warcaster (Solo)

Cygnar Here's the latest Cygnar model for my son's army before I move onto some more Khador or Rhul models. Up next we have a "Journeyman Warcaster" Solo.  He'll be used to control/Focus a Warjack so that his primary Warcaster (usulally "Stryker") has a few extra Focus points for his own Battlegroup. I...

November 22, 2010

November 17, 2010

WM: Cygnar Lancer (Warjack)

Cygnar More work continued on my son's Cygnar army.  I still have three Light Warjacks I need to complete for him and I started with the "Lancer" first. Having the 'Reach' ability, he'll be able to support his other Warjacks in combat with "Lancer". This is still the classic "Lancer" model. ...

November 16, 2010

WM: Rhul Wroughthammer Rockram (Warjack)

Mercenaries Now that "Gorten Grundback" was finished the other day, he needs some Heavy Warjacks to control. For my 15 points I am going to have "Driller" and "Rockram" and seeing how I already had "Rockram" assembled, he hit the painting board first. I painted "Rockram" very similar to the way...

November 15, 2010

WM: Rhul Gorten Grundback (Warcaster)

Mercenaries As I mentioned yesterday, I was going to put the Khador army on hold for a few models and continue on my Rhul army and my son's Cygnar army. My Warcaster of choice for the Rhul army is "Gorten Grundback".  The 'Strength of Granite' spell that "Gorten" has is just too good not to...

November 14, 2010

WM: Khador Kovnik Grigorovich (Solo)

Khador I decided to add a 'Solo' to my Khador army "Kovnik Grigorovich".  Right now I am only running one Winter Guard Mortar Crew but I plan on having at least two units of the Mortar's and one unit of Winter Guard Rifle Corps once I expand to 50 points, so "Kovnik" will help out in the long...

November 13, 2010

WM: Khador Juggernaut (Warjack)

Khador The other night my local store (Empire Games) had a Classic Juggernaut marked down due to overstock.  Seeing how I like the metal models a bit more than the plastics, and the rest of my Warjacks are metal, I then decided to add "Juggernaut" to my lineup. As soon as I brought him he was...