February 22, 2018

Hordes: Minions Gatorman Husk 2 (Solo)

Pretty much identical to yesterday’s model, today is ‘Gatorman Husk’ number 2.  I have 1 more ‘Husk’ left of the 3 I purchased and then there is still ‘Longchops’ left to paint from the models I received at the LVO.  ‘Longchops’ may have to wait a little bit as I have him assigned to my next painting queue quarter for the year.  Currently there is not a need to get him done (besides the fact he looks really cool) so I still have some ‘Winter Guard Rifle Corps’ that need to be finished up...plus I have some Trollbloods that also will hit the painting table so I can try out my green theme on them.

Gatorman Husk 2

Gatorman Husk 2

Painting Points: 2


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