January 25, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Weekend Roundup 1/22-24/2016'

Since I did not finish any models this past weekend, I thought I would start up a 'Weekend Roundup' post for anything that was happening gaming related over the weekend. On Friday night 1/22/2016 my son and I finally play tested our full 50 point lists for the Las Vegas Open. I made some slight...

January 21, 2016

WM: Mercenaries Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (Solo)

This past Tuesday I asked my son how his progress was going on getting his Cygnar army ready for the Las Vegas Open. He had to finish 1 Unit and 2 Solo's, so he is getting there. I offered if he wanted me to paint 'Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord' for him....of course he said yes, so after he got home...

January 20, 2016

Hordes: Minions Bloody Barnabas (Warlock)

Now it is official, my Minions Blindwater Congregation are finished. The 'Bloody Baranbas' Warlock my son purchased for me for Orthodox Christmas was completed Monday night (was to busy with work yesterday to post any pictures). It feels real good to be able to complete 50 points of a Hordes army...

January 17, 2016

WM: Cryx Nightwretch (Warjack)

We now enter into the world of Cryx. I wanted to use these smaller Warjacks as a test bed to see if I like the color scheme before painting any larger Warjacks. In all honesty I like the way came out and they paint up pretty fast. I was able to get these 2 Warjacks started and completed this past...

January 15, 2016

Hordes: Minions Gatormen Posse 2 & 3 (Unit)

The last 2 Units for my Gatormen Army are now completed, 2 more Units of Gatormen Posse. To speed things along with these guys, I elected to paint both Units at the same time. With all the same colors, it was a no brainer. The Leader of each Posse, I did change the color of the feathers on the...

January 14, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Something Evil Is Brewing In The Old West'

Finally after years of contemplating starting a Cryx army for Warmachine, last week I purchased my first Warcaster for Cryx, Skarre Queen of the Broken Coast. Then the other night while playing at my local LGS I picked up a box of Bonejacks, the Nightwretchs. Something about Cryx has always interested...

January 13, 2016

Battle Report: WM 1/12/2015 Khador vs Cygnar (25 Points)

Last night my son went out to play a quick 25 Point game (what was suppose to be quick) to try and get familiar with some Units we have never played before. Playing with new Units ended up taking a bit longer than expected, glad we choose to test with 25 Points instead of the full 50. He added...

January 11, 2016

WM: Cygnar Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (Unit)

Cygnar is my oldest son's army and this past year he has actually started to paint his own models (when he has time...and when I push him to get his models painted). The last Cygnar model I painted for him was 'Constance Blaize' 4 1/2 years ago. He will be joining me at LVO Warmachine next month...

WM: Khador Black Ivan (Warjack)

While I was assembling my last 2 Units of Gatormen Posse for my Minions Army (waiting for glue and sand to dry before priming), I decided to throw on some color on one of my Khador Warjacks, 'Black Ivan'. I picked up Black Ivan a little over 4 years ago, assembled him, primed him, and then he just...

January 8, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Barnabas and Steamroller Objectives'

I do not have any painted models per se to post today, so I thought I would do one of my 'Daily Chronicles', it has been awhile since my last one.  I am Orthodox Christian and yesterday was our Christmas. So last night we gathered at my Mom's house and we opened presents. My oldest son had bought...

January 6, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Troll Impaler (Warbeast)

After finishing my Trollblood Troll Whelps the other day, I was debating if I really liked the way the bluish color came out. I was thinking it was a bit too dirty for my liking (though I usually like the dirty look, I wanted my Trollbloods to be a bit lighter). There was only one to really find...

January 5, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Troll Whelps (Solo)

Well it has been 5 years since I first purchased a Trollbloods model till the time I actually painted some. I always wanted my Trollbloods to be painted in the 'Winter' (bluish) scheme and I was always afraid that my painting style would not look to good. Seeing how I wanted a little break from...

January 4, 2016

Hordes: Minions Gatormen Posse 1 (Unit)

My first painted models for 2016 are now completed. Sunday's are great for watching football (NFL) and painting at the same time and that is exactly what I did (even though my Arizona Cardinals failed to show up to the game yesterday). After my Sunday cycling ride I came home and prepped my models...