As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I was needing to re-base 16 Salamander Space Marines for the AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Team Tournament. Well last night I was able to complete the remaining 5 and all 16 Space Marines re now completed. I am going to have to do a future bulk order of bases...
January 30, 2020
January 29, 2020
W40K: Re-basing Salamanders
With the AdeptiCon Team Tournament approaching really quick, lots of items still need to get done. Now that our friends from Indiana are joining us in the event, his son will be using on of our Space Marine armies in the Salamanders.
When my son and I started playing Warhammer 40K again a couple...
January 28, 2020
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Intercessors XI'

My first Unit of 'Primaris Intercessors' with Stalker Bolt Rifles are now completed (and only Unit for now...more in the future). Yes by the title of this post, this Squad has been given the numerical number of XI (11). The first 3 Squads were numbered I-III and were all equipped with...
January 27, 2020
Weekly Chronicle 2020 #4 (Worried About AdeptiCon)
Week four was not a total waste of a week where a little bit was done during the week. Luckily mid week I had decided to paint up the newest Captain for the Alchemist's Guid with 'Soma' and then I did spend some time over the weekend continuing on my Imperial Fists. Hopefully this week...
January 24, 2020
W40K: Previews From LVO

Last night/early this morning (12:00 AM EST) Games Workshop held their "preview" out at the Las Vegas Open with a look at some of their new models coming out for Warhammer 40K. For the full on preview, please visit Warhammer Community.
Honestly I would be a little bit more excited with the...
January 23, 2020
Guild Ball: Alchemist's Guild 'Soma/Pneuma'

I had to change it up a bit from painting Imperial Fists for Warhammer 40K, so I thought I would go ahead and get a model painted for Guild Ball.
'Soma/Pneuma' is from the latest wave of new Captains was just released this past December and is the first player in Guild Ball with dual roles /duel...
January 20, 2020
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Intercessors III'

As I mentioned this morning in my Weekly Chronicle, this past weekend with the bad weather here in Michigan, I was able get my third Unit of 'Primaris Intercessors' completed. This is the the final 5 man Unit I have armed with Automatic Bolt Rifles that needed to be completed (for now). ...
W40K: Psychic Awakening Blood of Baal...Arrived (for me)

I know I am about a month late in receiving this book, "Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal", and there is already a FAQ that has been released, but until my renewed interest in the Tyranids, I really did not have a "need" for the book. Now that I will be collecting the Tyranids for 2020,...
Weekly Chronicle 2020 #3
The third week of 2020 was a pretty slow week. With real work being busy (and will be for awhile), and my wife being out of town back in Arizona, means I have to also play Mr. Mom once work is completed. Luckily over the weekend I was able to savage some of my hobby.
With a snowstorm...
January 13, 2020
Weekly Chronicle 2020 #2
The second week of 2020 was much better than last week especially for modeling and I was able to at least get in one game.
For modeling, I was able to complete two Units of 'Primaris Intercessors', 1 & 2 and prep work began on Unit #3 for my Imperial Fists army. I am down to the final 16...
January 12, 2020
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Intercessors II'

The one nice thing about having crappy weather (rain/ice/snow) I get to stay inside and I can paint all day, which is what yesterday was, I had my second 'Primaris Intercessor' Unit all prepped and ready to go waiting for me, and yesterday was the perfect day to sit down and get them painted...
January 11, 2020
W40K: First Wave Of Tyranids Arrived
Last week I had wrote that for 2020 I will be starting a new Tyranids army. I had received the Tyranid Codex from my son for Orthodox Christmas, and then with gift cards from work, I was able to order the rest of the models I need to start with my 1000 Point list and as of yesterday afternoon,...
January 10, 2020
Battle Report: W40K 1/9/2020 (CA2019 "Ascension")

Last night I finally got in my first game of 2020, took a bit longer than expected, but anyways it was done. My son and I played just a quick 500 point game of Warhammer 40K on a 3'x3' battlefield to keep the game fast paced.
Since Chapter Approved 2019 has been released in December, we have...
January 8, 2020
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Intercessors I'

I thought this was going to be a rough week to get any models completed (with real work), but last night I had to work an extended 5 hours and with most of that time just waiting on a conference call until there was an issue, I decided to get some painting done at the same time. By the time...
January 6, 2020
Weekly Chronicle 2020 #1
Well the first full week of 2020 was not as good as I had hoped for, at least for the gaming side of things. I was hoping for at least one game in for the week, but it was a big ole goose egg. I prefer gaming weekend mornings, and my son usually works real early on the weekends. ...
January 3, 2020
W40K: Tyranids Inbound...Again
I had mentioned the other day in my "Whats in store for 2020" post that I want to start a Tyranid army for Warhammer 40K in 2020. As you can see in the title of today's post, "Again". Back in 2010 I actually collected/painted a Tyranid army that was complete and later sold, in those days...
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Tor Garadon'

I honestly did not think I would have another model completed this week, but yesterday I was able to sit down and work on my final HQ model (for now) for my Imperial Fists, and that is 'Tor Garadon'.
'Tor Garadon' is a new GW model that recently came out when the Imperial Fists Codex Supplement was...
January 2, 2020
Daily Chronicle: Announced "NOVA Open 2020" September 2nd-September 6th, 2020
Well actually NOVA Open 2020 was announced a couple of weeks ago, but in yesterdays newsletter, the room block for the host hotel Hyatt went up for sale. After a few technically difficulties between NOVA and Hyatt, later yesterday evening the block for reservations was actually working.
W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Chaplain I'

With yesterday being New Years Day, the 1st of the New Year, I had to sit down and get something painted, otherwise it would have meant it was going to be a slow year painting.
I sat down in the morning with my 'Primaris Chaplain' for my Imperial Fists and slowly worked on him thorough out the day,...
January 1, 2020
What's in store for 2020!
Happy New Year 2020!
It is the first day of 2020, and the day to predict my gaming future for the year. Each year I always say I am going to try and be reasonable, but somehow things always change. So once again for 2020, let's try and be reasonable.
Yesterday I posted my "2019 Year...
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