[caption id="attachment_324" align="alignleft" width="64" caption="Blood Angels"][/caption]
I was finally able to start on some new models for my next army, the Blood Angels. The other day I wrote about modeling/painting my Sanguinary Priests (those were models I already had and converted) and...
June 30, 2010
WAB: Warhammer Ancient Battles Errata & Reference Sheet Available Now
[caption id="attachment_364" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Warhammer Historical©"][/caption]"Following the release of the second edition of Warhammer Ancient Battles to widespread acclaim, lead writer Martin Gibbins has put together a detailed FAQ with the assistance of WABforum and WABlist...
June 29, 2010
W40K: Salamanders Vulkan He'stan
[caption id="attachment_317" align="alignleft" width="64" caption="Salamanders"][/caption]Vulkan He'stan, Forgefather of The Salamanders is the chosen of his Chapter and this past weekend I finally got around to painting him for my son's Salamanders army. Since the Space Marines Codex first came...
June 28, 2010
Daily Chronicle: 6/28/2010
Daily Chronicle: 6/28/2010 http://www.theoldwestchronicle.com/?p=...
Battle Report: W40K APOC Space Marines vs. Space Marines
[caption id="attachment_312" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Games Workshop©"][/caption]Points: 4500Mission: ApocalypseObjectives: 6Deployment: ApocalypseYesterday was the first time ever that I played a game of Apocalypse, and I can say that I really enjoyed it. What used to keep me a...
W40K: Blood Angels Sanguinary Priests
[caption id="attachment_324" align="alignleft" width="64" caption="Blood Angels"][/caption]I was originally planning to start working on these guys when my Assault Squads were ready to be primed, but with a delay in purchasing the rest of my Blood Angels, I decided to start on these guys this past weekend.In...
June 19, 2010
W40K: Ultramarines Tigurius & Librarian
[caption id="attachment_329" align="alignleft" width="64" caption="Ultramarines"][/caption]
I can now say that my Space Marine Ultramarines are COMPLETE. Last week I had decided that I was going to change this army from 1750 points to 1500 points. What I did was take out 1 Sternguard squad...
June 18, 2010
W40K: New Releases: White Scars
June 17, 2010
Battle Report: W40K Imperial Guard vs. Eldar

Games Workshop©
Eldar Craftworld Biel-Tan planned an assault on Planet Taros late last evening. The Imperial Guard called in the 114th Cadians to protect and defend the planet.
Points: 1500Mission: Seize Ground
Objectives: 3
Deployment: Spearhead
This was only the second siting of...
W40K: Ultramarines Drop Pod's 4/5

Games Workshop©
[sarcasm on] After having so much fun painting the insides of Drop Pods 1-3 [sarcasm off] I decided to take the easy way out and glue the doors shut on Drop Pods 4 and 5. Some players say I cannot shoot the Storm Bolters if the doors are closed, oh well, this is not a tournament...
June 15, 2010
W40K: Ultramarines Dreadnought

Games Workshop©
Back to our regular scheduled programming of finishing the Ultramarines, for now.
Early this morning I mentioned a possibility of modifying my Ultramarines from a 1750 point list down to a 1500 point list. Well I decided to go that route. In place of a second Sternguard...
Daily Chronicle: 6/15/2010: Building New Armies

Last week in the "Daily Chronicle" for 6/7/2010 I talked about playing games with 1500 or 1750 point armies. After week of pondering and playing a few more games at the 1500 point level, I have decided on a personal note that the 1500 point games will be my games of choice.
I have also decided...
June 13, 2010
W40K: Imperial Fists Lysander

Games Workshop©
The Imperial Fists are now complete. 1500 points in exactly 2 weeks. Besides finishing up the Devastator Squad yesterday, I was also able to work on Lysander.
With characters I do try and spend a little bit more time on them than just regular infantry. Washes...
W40K: Imperial Fists Devastator Squad

Games Workshop©
Yesterday I was able to have some time and continue working on the Imperial Fists. All I had left was 1 Devastator Squad with Missile Launchers and Lysander in order to complete my 1500 points.
Here are the pictures of the Devastator Squad. I wanted this squad to stand...
June 11, 2010
W40K: Imperial Fists Terminator Squads 1-3

I decided to work on all 3 Terminator Squads for my Imperial Fists army all at the same time. That is why there has not been any updates this week.
Well, all 3 squads are now done.
For doing a speed paint on them without any highlights, I am actually quite happy on how they...
June 10, 2010
W40K: Eldar Fire Prism

Games Workshop©
This past Saturday I purchased the new Eldar Fire Prism kit as part of my son's 8th Grade graduation present. Well last night he decided to open the box and he noticed that the clear sprue that has the canopies and the Fire Prism Crystals were missing.
This is the second time...
June 7, 2010
Daily Chronicle: 6/7/2010: 1500 or 1750 Points

I know this has been talked about plenty of times everywhere, but lately I have been wanting to lean towards the 1500 point games of Warhammer 40,000. This past Thursday night I played my Imperial Guard in a 1500 point game, then yesterday I play-tested my Imperial Fists at 1500 points and I...
W40K: IG Leman Russ Battle Tank

Games Workshop©
Well with the new Imperial Guard Leman Russ Battle Tank kit being released this past Saturday, you'd think this post was about the new kit, sorry.
When I first started buying the models for my Imperial Guard army, I purchased somewhere along the lines 14 Chimera's. Seeing how...
Battle Report: W40K Imperial Fists vs. Dark Angels

Games Workshop©
Yesterday (Sunday 6/6/10) I took out the Imperial Fists for a play-test game against my sons Dark Angels. The Imperial Fist army is 1500 points (I wont be expanding this army, the plan is to keep them at 1500 points and I for larger games I can add in the Ultramarines or any...
Daily Chronicle: 6/6/2010

Just a quick Daily Chronicle for today. Empire Games ran what looked to be a cool scenario for Flames of War. Jimmy the Manager at EG built an awesome table this week for D-Day (which is today). His table was quite beautiful. I havent touched FoW in over a year so we did not...
June 5, 2010
W40K: Imperial Fists Tactical Squad 2

Games Workshop©
Tactical Squad 2 was finished the other day for my Imperial Fists army, but I just finally got around today to take a picture and get it posted. Not too much different on this squad compared to the first, except I went a little lighter on the "black wash", especially on the...
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