I can now say that my Space Marine Ultramarines are COMPLETE. Last week I had decided that I was going to change this army from 1750 points to 1500 points. What I did was take out 1 Sternguard squad and swapped it with a Dreadnought (we'll be saving the Sternguard for a Crimson Fists Chapter).
When I finished the Dreadnought the other day, all that was left to complete was Chief Librarian Tigurius and a Librarian. The Ultramarines are my all Drop Pod assault themed army and I wanted to run 2 Librarians with this theme.
This morning I started to paint Tigurius and the Librarian and just a few minutes ago I was able to complete them. I actually still have the banner to complete for Tigurius. What I did was magnetize the banner with a very tiny magnet. I wanted to do this for two reasons. One, I can paint the banner separately and spend some more time on it. Two, I did not want the banner to break off in battle or while in transit. If I am going to paint a nice banner, I do not want it to get ruined.
I am hoping next week to possible do an Apocalypse battle for the first time. I do not own any Super-Heavies so I never really tried Apocalypse, but now I want to be able to combine my different Space Marine armies for a larger game. I think we are going to be trying 4500 points a side. 1500 points from of these Chapters. Ultramarines/Salamanders/Imperial Fists vs. Dark Angels/Dark Angels/Black Templars. Yes I know two Dark Angel armies. Well my Blood Angels are not done yet and my son and I each have our own Dark Angels army. I'll let you all know how that game turns out next week.
Anyways, here are the pictures of the 2 Librarians for the Ultramarines.
[caption id="attachment_255" align="aligncenter" width="275" caption="Ultramarines Librarian"]
[caption id="attachment_256" align="aligncenter" width="273" caption="Ultramarines Librarian"]
[caption id="attachment_257" align="aligncenter" width="278" caption="Ultramarines Tigurius"]
[caption id="attachment_258" align="aligncenter" width="244" caption="Ultramarines Tigurius"]
Painting Points: 4
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