December 31, 2020

2020 Year in Review

As I always say each year, the two blog posts I enjoy writing the most are "What's in store for" (next year), and the second one is my "Year in Review".  2020 started with a "What's in store for 2020!" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review. Arena Rex 2020  Painting Goal:...

December 28, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #52

We are now in the final week of 2020.... thankfully it is almost over!As I have previously mentioned, my gaming has come to a stand still for a few more weeks, but I was able to get another model completed this past week before 2021 arrives.I honestly know I will not squeeze out another model before...

December 25, 2020

MeSBG: 'Witch-King of Angmar on Fell Beast'

Merry Christmas Everyone!I really did not think I would get another model completed before the end of 2020, but with yesterday being Christmas Eve and I took the day off from work, I sat down in the morning and started painting the 'Witch King on Fell Beast' for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.This...

December 21, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #51

Not really much to report this week, with my oldest son now spending a few weeks in AZ, the gaming is at a halt.No painting was neither done last week, but I am taking the available time I have to build some of my models.  I ended up building my Elven Union team for Blood Bowl, and some models...

December 15, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Techmarine I'

Good news for me, I was able to get another model completed before the end of 2020, not sure if another model will be squeezed in, so this may be the last (I will probably spend most of the rest of the year getting models assembled for 2021, if some of my orders arrive).I picked up this 'Primaris Techmarine'...

December 14, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #50 (X-Wing, Blood Bowl, MeSBG)

I am going to have to say that this past week was not that bad.  I did not get a lot painted, but I did at least sit down and paint and complete a model, 'Durin' for MeSBG.Then for gaming, we played three games over the weekend.  We started Saturday off with a game of X-Wing, recently there...

December 12, 2020

MeSBG: 'Durin'

Yes you are reading this correctly, it has been just over 2 years (26 months) since I last painted anything for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game and it has been just as long as this model was sitting on the shelf.I picked up 'Durin, King of Khazad-Dum' 2 years ago to add to the existing Khazad-Dum...

December 7, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #49

It was another so so week for me.  No painting was completed this past week and it looks like it may be a little bit before anything gets done (my office is being used in the evenings for my sons online Drivers Ed) but I may attempt to start on a model this coming Sunday. For gaming, we did get...

December 4, 2020

AdeptiCon 2021 Officially Cancelled!

We hope that everyone is well in these unprecedented and uncertain times. It has been a challenging year for all of us. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce officially what many of you have already come to realize, that it will be impossible to hold AdeptiCon in March of 2021. The continued...

December 1, 2020

MeSBG: New Ruined Terrain Has Arrived

I mentioned yesterday that I had ordered some new terrain for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, and all 3 orders have finally now come in from Amazon.It is not MeSBG specific, but actually Warhammer Age of Sigmar terrain, but it is part of their Azyrite series of terrain.  All these pieces are...

November 30, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #48 (Black Friday Weekend)

First lets start with how the week went for Modeling/Gaming.  I did not think I was actually going to paint anything this past week, and it turns out on Thanksgiving day I did sit down at my painting table and knocked out a model.  My 'Primaris Lieutenant Indomitus' was completed for my Imperial...

November 29, 2020

Battle Report: Blood Bowl 11/28/2020 (Humans vs Wood Elves)

Our pre-order for Blood Bowl Second Season Edition was picked up by my son on Friday from our LGS, and yesterday was our first adventure in the game (my first Blood Bowl game in 15 years).My son was playing a new Wood Elves team that he recently purchased and assembled, and I went ahead and quickly...

November 28, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Lieutenant Indomitus'

On Thanksgiving day playing on TV was The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies and I thought to myself this would be a perfect time to watch the movie an get some painting done (along with getting the turkey ready).  Next thing I know that by the time the movie was over, my model was just about completed...

November 27, 2020

Blood Bowl: Mats by Mars Green Meadow Fantasy Football 7's Pitch

Last week when the urge to get into Blood Bowl for the first time in 15 years, I was also looking into the NAF website on alternative ways to play the game that may speed it up a bit.  The NAF site does have a page that does exactly this and I came across a version called 7's.Blood Bowl 7's is...

November 25, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #47 (Wisconsin Dells Recap)

I know I am a few days late with my weekly post, but Monday we were traveling back from Wisconsin Dells and yesterday I got busy catching up with real work.My son and I spent an extended weekend (Thursday-Sunday) at our timeshare up in Wisconsin Dells just relaxing and getting in some games. ...

November 17, 2020

W40K: Tablewar New Size Gaming Mats

 Well it took FedEx forever to deliver my packages (over  a week), but yesterday afternoon my new Warhammer 40,000 gaming mats from Tablewar arrived.Tablewar is having a 15% off sale for the month of November and existing customers can take take an additional 10% off, so with 25% off, I thought...

November 16, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #46 (X-Wing/Blitz Bowl Recap)

I am pretty happy with how week #46 turned out.  I was able to get one model completed for my Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Fists army with a 'Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour' and my son and I got in quite a few games over the weekend.On Saturday we started the day off with a game of X-Wing where...

November 15, 2020

Blood Bowl: Pre-Ordered Season 2

Well I actually bit the bullet yesterday and ordered a copy of Blood Bowl Season 2 from our local gaming store down in South Bend, IN.I kept going back and forth, "should I or shouldn't I" and made the "yes" decision.  By the time I made this decision a few of the other items I wanted they were...