April 30, 2010

Painting Points: April 2010

In a few hours April will be over and what a month for Painting Points.  As I noted March was a very slow month for me with the move and all, but come April I had really kicked it into hight gear. First I was able to finish my Imperial Guard army to 1750 points for now (will be expanding this...

Battle Report: W40K Imperial Guard vs. Dark Angels

Games Workshop© Last night I played a quick 1000 point game against my son's Dark Angel army.  I of course played my Mech Guard list that I played in the AdeptiCon 2010 Team Tournament (I really love that 1000 point list). We decided to play another Battle Missions scenario.  These missions...

April 29, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Genestealer Unit 2

Well I am now finished with the core Troops of my Tyranid army.  My second unit of 8 Genestealers are now completed. All that I have left for 1750 is one more Trygon Prime, four Zoanthropes, one Tyrant Guard and two Spores.  Two of the Zoanthropes are already assembled and waiting to be...

April 28, 2010

Battle Report: W40K Imperial Guard vs. Orks

Last night I was able to get out to Empire Games for a 1500 point game of my fully mech Imperial Guard vs. Orks.  I'm not one who remembers all the details for Battle Reports, but I'll try and recap as best as I can. We wanted to have a fun game and decided to choose a mission from the new...

April 27, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Trygon Prime Completed

I could not let this big guy stare at me too long in grey plastic, he was calling out to be painted.  So I managed to finish the first of two Trygon Prime's for my Tyranid army.  As I stated earlier these guys are just great to put together, and the painting was not too difficult on them...

April 26, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Hormagaunt Unit 2

The second unit of 14 Hormagaunts are now completed.  I had finished the bases on them early this morning then during lunch sprayed the Matte coat.  Just one more unit of Genestealers to complete and all my Troop choices will be complete. Hormagaunt Unit 2 (6 of 14) Painting Points:...

W40K: Tyranids Trygon Prime Assembled

Games Workshop© Between shooting some hoops with one of my kids, and finish reorganizing the garage, I did manage to get some modeling in yesterday.  I was able to to finish the basecoat on my second unit of Hormagaunts, hopefully the bases will get done on these sometime today and pictures...

April 25, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Genestealer Unit 1

It's been a slow weekend modeling for me.  I have been busy reorganizing our garage this weekend (tired of still seeing moving boxes just laying around everywhere) so I finally picked up some garage shelving and unpacked a few more items.  It's almost done, but not quite.  Who know's...

April 22, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Hormagaunt Unit 1

One of my 14 bug Hormagaunt units are now completed.  There will be 2 units of 14 in my 1750 point army.  The second unit is already primed and waiting for paint.  I also have 2 units of Genestealers that are almost ready for some paint.  I may opt to paint one of those units first...

Daily Chronicle: 4/22/2010: Pondering Which Army To Do Next

With my Tyranid army moving quite nicely (should be completed by early May), it got me pondering which Warhammer 40K army do I want to finish next, or possibly start a whole new army.  Here is a list of choices: Existing armies needing to be completed: Orks:  I already have about 1750 points all assembled for a horde force.  About 90+ Orks, some Coptas, some Trukks. Ultramarines: ...

April 21, 2010

W40K: Tyranid Hive Tyrant

I decide to take a break from painting some of the core Troops for my Tyranid army and wanted to see how my Hive Tyrant will look with my color scheme.  Not "Golden Demon" but it's good for the tabletop.  I have no intentions on making this a "high quality" looking army.  My primary goal...

April 20, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Termagant Unit 2

These guys should have been done yesterday, but something the family ate Sunday night (Panda Express) had us in bed all day yesterday.  Anyways I was able to get the bases done on these guys this morning and get the matte spray on them. My Hive Tyrant was also assembled this past Sunday and primer...

April 18, 2010

W40K: Tyranids Termagant Unit 1; Step by Step

Back on February 16th I had decided on my color scheme for my new Tyranid army.  This weekend I had the time to sit down and start painting my first Termagant unit.  Like my Imperial Guard, I decided to go with a quick paint scheme so I can get these guys out on the table for some play time. ...

April 16, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 4/16/2010: New Look/IG/Tyranids Progress

This morning I decided I wanted a new look for 'The Old West Chronicle', dont get me wrong, I really liked my previous template, but I wanted a change for now.  I may go back to the other template in a few months.  I really enjoy the 'clean' look of this new template and I feel it's easier to read. Last night I gave my Imperial Guard a "dry run" game at a 1000 point level.  Basically...

April 14, 2010

W40K: IG 1750 Complete

Yeah!!!!!!  My 4 Heavy Bolters for my Imperial Guard army are now completed.  1750 points of Imperial Guard are now done and ready for the tabletop.  I have a little more than 1750 points painted (with different weapons and options) but my 1750 point list is now completed. Their first battle will most likely commence this Friday night (with Empire Games being open till 12AM on Friday...

Daily Chronicle: 4/14/2010: Felt Like Christmas

Last night I started cleaning up my painting station to get ready to move the Tyranids onto it.  I had plenty of Chimera vehicle sprues laying around from finishing the four the other day and wanted to pack them away in case I need the bitz at later time.  I looked on my shelf in my closet...

April 13, 2010

W40K: IG Chimera's (5-8)

My Imperial Guard Chimera's #'s 5-8 are now completed.  I have not yet found a good setup in my new place to take photos so please bear with me on the quality of these.  My lighting is still way off.  Hopefully I'll find a better setup soon and re-upload these photos. Chimera V Chimera...

Daily Chronicle: 4/13/2010: AdeptiCon Photos

Better late than never.  I finally had a chance to unpack my camera and upload a few photos from AdeptiCon 2010.  I'm pretty bad when it comes to taking photos at events that I am playing in, I usually get to involved in the games I'm playing.  So I only have a few photos from Friday...