I was able to squeeze in one more model for the month of February. When my son and I first got into Bolt Action three years ago, he always wanted a 76MM Sherman for his United States Army. We took most of 2015 and 2016 off from Bolt Action and we both recently got back into the game.A few...
February 28, 2017
Battle Report: Hordes 2/27/2017 Minions vs Trollbloods (50 Points)
Last night I headed out east again to Kalamazoo to meet TJ at Odyssey Games for another game of Hordes. I met TJ the previous day on Sunday, but we did not get a game in so we schedule one for Monday night. Even though the store is 41 miles away, it only takes me about 40 minutes to get...
February 27, 2017
Daily Chronicle: Weekend Roundup 2/24-26/2017
Since nothing was actually completed this past weekend, I thought I'd do a recap of the progress for the some of the projects I am working on. On Friday night I was able to mostly finish my sons US 76mm Sherman Tank for his United States Bolt Action Army. He was hoping I was going to conplete...
February 23, 2017
Bolt Action: Great Britain 'Infantry Section 2'
This week I continued working on my Brtish Army. For now I will have 4 Units of Infantry Sections, with one of them being completed last week and now the second one being completed last night.Like I mentioned with the first Infantry Section I modeled these Units with 11 men (max for...
February 18, 2017
Hordes: Minions Lanyssa Ryssyl (Solo)
Since the release of MKIII, more and more Minion players are playing with the Solo 'Lanyss Ryssyl'. I am not always up to date with the latest 'metas' of the game, but I believe it has to do with her 'Hunter's Mark', allowing friendly models to Charge or make Slam Power Attacks without being Forced...
February 17, 2017
Bolt Action: Great Britain 'Lieutenant 1 & 2'
After I finished painting up my Blackhide Wrastler model for Hordes the other night, I had a little time to spare before the weekend arrived when I will start to work on my son's US 76mm Sherman Tank.I did not want to get deep involved in a full 11 man Infantry Section for my British, so I thought I'd...
February 15, 2017
Hordes: Minions Blackhide Wrastler 2 (Warbeast)
Back in late 2015 I painted the original sculpt for Blackhide Wraster. This past Summer they re-sculpted the model with the options of either assembling Blindwalker or Blackhide Wrastler. When my oldest son originally purchased the model for me on Father's Day, I elected to assemble...
February 13, 2017
Bolt Action: Great Britain 'Infantry Section 1'
I finally got some models completed this month after having last weekend off attending the Las Vegas Open. Just before leaving to the LVO, my additional sprues from Warlord Games finally arrived so I could finish modeling my Infantry Sections.Each Infantry Section can consist between 5-10 men, I decided...
February 8, 2017
Guild Ball: Getting Started With Engineer's
As I mentioned the other day in my recap of the Las Vegas Open, I decided to get into the game of Guild Ball. I was looking for a "beer & pretzel" third game for me. Bolt Action is my favorite game to play for the ease of the rules and the history of WW2. Warmachine/Hordes, well I have a lot...
February 6, 2017
Daily Chronicle: LVO 2017 Recap
Well The Las Vegas Open (2017) is now officially over. Although I did not partake in any 'official' event, I still had a pretty decent time. I was actually doing really good with the vendors hall too, until later in the day on Friday (more on that below). This will be just a brief daily recap...
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