April 28, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'MG42 Medium Machine Gun Team'

It has been a little while since I last painted a model for Bolt Action (about 10 days), which if you can tell from my posts this year, that is a long time.  With having three fully painted armies now for Bolt Action, the painting has slowed and the gaming has increased.  At the end of next...

Battle Report: 4/27/2014 Bolt Action 'United States vs Germany'

It has been 2 weeks since my son and I each played a game of Bolt Action.  Been busy playing X-Wing for awhile.  But yesterday it was time to bring the armies back out.  My son decided he wanted to play with his US army, so I was then going to be playing the Germans.  I have yet...

April 16, 2014

Bolt Action: Soviet Union 'Flamethrower Team'

A few weeks ago, Warlord Games announced a new Soviet Union 'Flamethrower Team', '50mm Light Mortar Team' and an 'Ampulomet'.  When I heard that they were releasing these models, I had to order them right away.  With Royal Mail taking there usual two weeks to ship items to me, they finally...

Battle Report: 4/15/2014 X-Wing 'Firespray-131 x3 vs X-Wing x4'

Earlier today I mentioned that I recently picked up another 2 Firespray-131's for X-Wing.  Well last night I wanted to try the 3 Firespray-131 list and see how it does. Rebels: Luke Skywalker (R2-D2, Marksmanship) Red Squadron Rookie Pilot Rookie Pilot Imperials: Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty...

X-Wing: Firespray-131 x2

Well the majority of our X-Wing models probably belong to my son, but when I get into a game, I go all in.  After playing a 2 YT-1300 list the other day, I thought to myself, "ok, what can I do with the Imperial counterpart".  So after searching for some Firespray-131 lists, I found that...

April 14, 2014

Battle Report: 4/13/2014 Bolt Action 'Soviet Union vs Germany and United States vs Germany'

After our game of X-Wing yesterday morning, it was time to throw down some Bolt Action.  After reading a battle report from AdeptiCon on the Bolt Action tournament and seeing a min/max Soviet Union army with two tanks, I thought to myself  'I'd like to see if I have the models for a cheese...

Battle Report: 4/13/2014 X-Wing

Besides painting up some 'Assault Rifles' for our German Bolt Action army, I really did not get much painting done this weekend.  Instead this weekend more about playing some games.  We started first on Friday night with a game of X-Wing (click here for the Battle Report) and then played...

April 13, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'Heer Veteran Grenadier Assault Rifles x10'

I was finally able to get a few models done this week after the vehicles.  The Assault Rifles for the German army are now all completed as well as the army for now.  We will slowly add more units for the Germans and expand them. Since all I had left in regards to my German infantry were...

April 12, 2014

Battle Report: 4/11/2014 X-Wing

Han really does not always shoot first! Friday night after my son got home from work we decided to throw down a late night game of X-Wing.  Being a bit more familiar with the rules and since it was pretty late, we decided to elect to play with the 75 minute clock per the tournament rules. I...

April 9, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf C (Hanomag)'

"Few vehicles are as instantly identifiable as the Sd.Kfz 251, or Hanomag as it was also know.  Combining speed, protection and firepower, it ensured the infantry would break through to take and hold enemy positions.  Its cross-country performance was much better than any truck and enabled...

April 8, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'StuG III Ausf G'

Continuing this week's theme of 'big guns and vehicles', up next we have a German StuG III Ausf G Tank.  The basecoat and camo were done this past Saturday with the airbrush out, then we finished up the tank last night.  After the basecoat/camo were done, the camo scheme looked really nice. ...

April 7, 2014

Bolt Action: Soviet Union 'ISU-122/152 Tank 201'

Saturday was all about painting the 'big' stuff.  As you know I completed a ZiS-3 76mm Divisional Gun, but I also had worked on a few vehicles too.  When the ZiS-3 arrived from Warlord, the ISU-122 I also ordered, arrived at the same time.  I waited until Saturday to get started on...