February 29, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Captain Storm Bolter/Power Sword I'

I enjoy painting single models over Units, probably because less repetitious over painting an assembly line.  One of the lists I am thinking about playing at the NOVA Open has a Spearhead Detachment with 3 'Thunderfire Cannons' and to lead that Detachment, I need a HQ model, so here is 'Captain'...

February 28, 2020

Daily Chronicle: Primaris Aggressors To The Front Of The Queue

With the release of the new Space Marines FAQ yesterday, I am making a slight change to my list for the AdeptiCon Team Tournament, at least I am going to hope for the change. I decided that instead of running a 'Redemptor Dreadnought', I am going ahead and swapping it out for a Unit of 'Primaris...

February 27, 2020

W40K: FAQ Space Marines 2/27/2020

There has been a disturbance in  the Warhammer 40K Universe this morning with a new FAQ for the Space Marines, and it is a pretty significant change, especially for my Imperial Fists. In an effort to further reduce the competitiveness of the Iron Hands Chapter, Games Workshop made a change to...

February 24, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #8

Not too many models were completed during Week #8, but it was still a good week non the less.  First off I was able to work on some ruin walls for Warhammer 40K with my 'STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins I & II', then I completed a "smash captain" for my Imperial Fists that I call "Smashfist". Gaming...

February 23, 2020

Battle Report: W40K 2/22/2020 (CA2019 "Crusade")

Yesterday morning I drove out to Michigan City, IN to Heroes Haven Comics & Games and met up with a long time friend from IL to get in a practice game of Warhammer 40K.  In preparation for the AdeptiCon Friendly tournament, the game was 1500 points and my friend was playing an Eldar force...

February 21, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Captain Smashfist'

The other day I saw a post in a Facebook Group asking what a typical "Smash Captain" is for Imperial Fists.  Usually a "Smash Captain" consists of a Captain with a Jump Pack, Storm Shield and a Thunder Hammer, but for the Imperial Fists, we 'have' (have as in it would be cool to be in theme)...

February 20, 2020

W40K: "STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins" II

Very similar to yesterdays post, my second box of 'STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins' is now also completed for Warhammer 40K. I do have a 'Manufactorum' that is still in box unassembled that I will eventually need to get to also, plus I would like to have a few more pieces of terrain from the GW line.  STC...

February 19, 2020

W40K: "STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins" I

A few months ago I picked up a couple of boxes (2) of the 'STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins' from my local gaming store to start having some Warhammer 40K terrain.  The contents of the boxes I think is actually a good value for $35.00 We have been using the terrain in our games (they come in pre-colored...

February 18, 2020

Battle Report: W40K 2/17/2020 (CA2019 "Lockdown")

Last night my son and I played our first larger game of Warhammer 40K (1500 points) since taking the game back up.  The AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Friendly event is 1500 points so now it was time to take all of our 500 point games we played and put all the Units together for 1500. It was Imperial...

February 17, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #7

Week #7 was a pretty decent week for me and at least a game of Warhammer 40K was squeezed in. First off I ended up completing 9 models, 3 'Ripper Swarms', 5 'Termagants' for my Tyranids army and 1 'Leviathan Dreadnought' for my Imperial Fists, the bad news I did not spend any time this...

February 14, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Leviathan Dreadnought I'

After building my Forge World 'Leviathan Dreadnought' the other day, I could not have him sitting long unpainted so I got him onto the painting table.  Even though I would like to still finish my 'Repulsor Executioner', technically I now have 2000 points completed for my Imperial Fists.  Leviathan...

February 13, 2020

W40K: Tyranids 'Kronos Termagants x5 (b)'

Another 5  Kronos 'Termagants' with Fleshborer's are now completed.  Out of the initial 60 'Termagants' I need completed for my 1000 point list, 20 will be with Fleshborer's and  40 will be with Devourer's, 10 Fleshborer's are now done. Kronos Termagants (b) Painting Points:...

February 12, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists WIP 'Leviathan Dreadnought'

While working on my Tyranids the past few days, I decided to take a small break yesterday afternoon and build a model for my Imperial Fists army.  For Christmas I purchased myself my first ever Forge World model, the 'Leviathan Dreadnought with Storm Cannons' and it was time for him to come out...

February 11, 2020

W40K: Tyranids 'Kronos Ripper Swarms I'

Here I am with only 5 Termagants completed, already changing it up a bit.  With the 'Ripper Swarms' being so small, I knew it would not take long to get them completed so I decided yesterday to complete one of my Units.  In my 1000 point list, I only need one Unit of 3, but for my expanded...

February 10, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #6

Well my sons work schedule did not coincide with my schedule well and no games were played again this past week, but at least some painting was completed. I was happy that I got to finish my 1500 points of Imperial Fists and I am ready for the AdeptiCon Friendly event and Team Tournament.  I...

February 9, 2020

W40K: Tyranids 'Kronos Termagants x5 (a)'

In yesterdays post, I had mentioned on starting my Tyranids Termagants with the newer Citadel Contrast paints.  I was not liking the way they were coming out (watercolor effect) and the time it was taking to paint them and felt my old way of painting may be quicker for me. I re-primed the first...