February 21, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Captain Smashfist'

The other day I saw a post in a Facebook Group asking what a typical "Smash Captain" is for Imperial Fists.  Usually a "Smash Captain" consists of a Captain with a Jump Pack, Storm Shield and a Thunder Hammer, but for the Imperial Fists, we 'have' (have as in it would be cool to be in theme) would be to swap put the Thunder Hammer for a Power Fist.  The reason for this swap (besides what I mentioned to be in theme) is that the Imperial Fists can take a Special-Issue Wargear Relic called "Fist of Terra", the "Fist of Terror" replaces the models Power Fist stat line with it's own, the main benefit is that it no longer suffers -1 to hit and it makes 1 additional attack with the weapon.

My son had mentioned that he had some bits laying around from a 'Vanguard Veteran Squad' box he had purchased along with an Imperial Fist Power Fist I had still had left over, so I went to work and created my own "Captain Smashfist", once I completed the assembly, I knew he had to skip to the front of the line in painting queue.

"Captain Smashfist" is now completed.  So far all of my HQ models have been Primaris models and they have been wearing cloaks (which I painted red), so to stay in theme, a little red was added to this model so I have consistency with my army.

 Captain Smashfist

 Captain Smashfist

Captain Smashfist

Painting Points: 1


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