August 27, 2019

Guild Ball: Art Of War Studios 'Steppers'

While watching the live stream of the Guild Ball English Championship two weekends ago, I noticed some of the players using the "Steppers" from Art of War Studios. That Sunday morning I decided to place an order and hoped that they would arrive in time for us to leave for the NOVA Open this weekend. ...

August 26, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #34 (Week of NOVA Open 2019)

Post #285 for 2019, what does that mean? In the 10 years I have been writing this blog, 285 posts in one year sets a new record for me (last year was 284, previously it was tough to hit 200).  There may not be that mean blog readers anymore, but for me, the blog keeps me motivated in the hobby...

August 23, 2019

August 22, 2019

August 21, 2019

Guild Ball: Cook's Guild Limited Edition 'Tenderiser'

The last model of my Cook's Guild is officially complete.  As I mentioned yesterday, this past weekend got me the urge to try the Guild out for the first time and finish my last two models. I am sill undecided if I will switch to them for the NOVA Open (instead of my Butcher's Guild) but I will...

August 20, 2019

Guild Ball: Cook's Guild Limited Edition 'Shank'

While getting ready to play the Cook's Guild for the first time this past Sunday, it got me motivated to start working on my final two models for the Guild, the Limited Edition 'Shank' and 'Tenderiser' models.  These models came in the Organized Play box I ordered many months ago which had arrived...

August 19, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #33

Week #33 for the year was a little slow on the painting front (2 models) and average for gaming (2 games). Real work has been busy this month so painting has slowed just a bit, but I still managed to get 2 models completed for Batman Miniature Game, 'The Merciless', and 'The Red Death'.  I think...

August 18, 2019

BMG: The Red Death (Bruce Wayne) [Unknown]

When I finished 'The Merciless' the other day, I was not sure if I would be able to get around t get another model painted this week, well yesterday I had some spare time (after watching the Guild Ball English National Championships on YouTube) and decided to work on 'The Red Death' since I already...

August 16, 2019

Guild Ball: Second Wave Of FCD Rookies Available For Pre-Order

The second wave of the Free Cities Draft Rookies are available for pre-order of Steamforged Games webstore.  Unlike with the first wave (available right away), today's announcement is for a pre-order with a shipping date of 8/30. The four Rookies available are: Champ, Flea, Kami and Nomad. ...

August 15, 2019

Daily Chronicle: 2 Weeks Until "NOVA Open 2019"

NOVA Open 2019 is only 2 weeks away and the only practice we have gotten in recently was for X-Wing, and I am still undecided on my list.  Back when I first announced NOVA Open 2019 in January, our thought was to play Bolt Action and Middle-earth SBG.  We have not played a game of MeSBG...

August 14, 2019

BMG: The Merciless (Bruce Wayne) [Unknown]

Well I did manage to get a model painted this week (not sure if there will be more, but we'll see).  On Monday afternoon one of my shipments arrived of more BMG models, yes more!  In this shipment was a blister of the "Dark Knights", I especially wanted this pack for 'Merciless', so of course...

August 12, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #32

So Week #32 was another average week for me regarding painting and gaming.  5 models were completed last week (2 for Guild Ball and 3 for Batman Miniature Game) and I was able to get in 2 more practice games of X-Wing for the upcoming NOVA Open. I played a X-Wing list that was really happy with...

August 11, 2019

BMG: Black Orchid (Susan Linden) [BatB]

The final model from the "Justice League Dark" blister is up next and that is 'Black Orchid' (Susan Linden).  This was more of a "let's just get it done" model for me so that way the blister pack can be completed.  I think at 70 Rep, there are probably a lot better Free Agents available...