This past weekend was the 2018 Las Vegas Open and this year my son and I had decided we were not going to attend due to the fact there were no Guild Ball events on the schedule. We both attended the previous 2 years and last year that is where we both got interested in Guild Ball. We could...
January 31, 2018
Painting Points: January 2018
Well we come to end of the first Month of 2018 and it was a really good month for me and Painting Points. I use these points just as a personal tracker for myself and to push myself to get models completed. Then at the end of the year I can compare with years past.
Years ago I used...
January 30, 2018
Hordes: Minions Bog Trog Trawler (Solo)
Back to painting my Hordes Minions for a few days. I have a lot I want to get done for the AdeptiCon Team Tournament in March since I am undecided between playing ‘Maelok’ or ‘Barnabas 2’. Plus the last couple of weeks and the mmonth of February, Privateer Press is releasing a lot of new...
January 29, 2018
Weekly Chronicle 2018 #4
We already completed 4 weeks of 2018 and things having been moving quite nicely on getting models completed for the year. I seem to always go full blast at the beginning of the year, then slow down through the Summer and pick right back up in the Fall, this year may be the same also with some...
January 28, 2018
Guild Ball: Alchemist’s Guild ‘Smoke’
Just like yesterday when I finished ‘Stoker’ for the Brewer’s Guild, ‘Smoke’ is the last model I needed completed for the Alchemist’s Guild. After I completed most of my Alchemist’s last year, my son down in Arizona took a liking to them and had me give them to him when I was down there at the...
January 27, 2018
Guild Ball: Brewer’s Guild ‘Stoker’
I know come to the final model for my Brewer’s Guild with ‘Stoker’, a Defensive Midfielder for the Guild. It feels good to complete an entire Guild. Not that I have even tried to play with the Brewer’s yet, I just like all the models that Steamforged is putting out for Guild Ball...
January 26, 2018
Battle Report: Hordes 1/25/2018 Minions vs Trollbloods (75 Points)
For now most of my Warmachine/Hordes gaming is against my friend who only plays Trollbloods, so most of my reports will either be my Minions or Khador vs his Trollbloods (until I can get to some events and play other opponents).Last night I decided to try a new caster for my Minions and used ‘Maelok’,...
January 25, 2018
Guild Ball: Brewer’s Guild ‘Pint Pot’
Back to completing some Guild Ball models for a few days and wrapping up my Brewer’s Guild. I was down to just 2 models left to complete and then I swayed towards my Minions for a little bit. Well it is time to finish them up. A Central Midfielder for the Brewer’s, we have ‘Pint Pot’.Pint...
January 24, 2018
Battle Report: Guild Ball 1/23/2018 Butcher’s vs Hunter’s

Last night was a rematch againt my friend, my Buther’s vs his Hunter’s Guild and the outcome was now the opposite.
We both ended up playing the exact same lists as two weeks ago and I am starting to feel a little bit more comfortable with the Butcher’s. I still forgot a few things...
January 23, 2018
Hordes: Minions Croak Hunter (Solo)
We are heading into Week #4 of 2018 and my last model of the
three I purchased the previous weekend at Fantasy Games down in South Bend is
now completed for my Hordes Minions..’Croak Hunter’. I have a game lined
up for this Thursday night and will be trying ‘Maelok’ for the first time
January 22, 2018
Weekly Chronicle 2018 #3
The momentum train is still rolling for Week #3. Week #2 was mainly completing some Guild Ball models and Week #3 I concentrated again on some of my Hordes Minion models. I even was able to complete 2 models that I had much further down the line in my queue.
I spent all of Saturday out...
January 20, 2018
Kickstarter: The Hobby Holder
2017 was the first time I purchased anything through Kickstarter. The first two were just card games and then in October I came across The Hobby Holder, a miniature painting holder and cup. An acquaintance I know back in Arizona (Gorilla with a Brush) uses something similiar, and when I...
January 19, 2018
Hordes: Minions Boneswarm (Warbeast)
This is the 2nd of 3 models that I purchased last weekend at my LGS in South Bend and I knew he would be a quick one to paint up. I enjoy painting bones as it it usually just a drybrush. I have had plenty of practice from back in the day painting Tomb Kings and Vamoire Counts for Warhammer...
January 18, 2018
Hordes: Minions Feralgeist (Solo)
While in South Bend this past weekend catching a movie (the only place that was playing my ‘sing-a-along’ version), I had to hit up the gaming store on the way home and pick up a few models and some paint. Might as well have some more reasoning to a 80 mile round trip drive. While there...
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