This past weekend at AdeptiCon I had picked up quite a few models for my Hordes Minions army, so let's dive right into that pile. I decided to start on my 'Thrullg' Solo model. I am trying to finish out models that I need for the new Blindwater Theme that was released last week. For...
March 30, 2017
March 29, 2017
Bolt Action: Second Edition FAQ Update
Alessio Cavatore has been listening hard to the Bolt Action community, the Bolt Action Second Edition FAQ is now ready to download. You can check the PDF out for FREE here: Japanese Banzai has been corrected.Units inside buildings can now go Down when being shot at.These are just two...
March 28, 2017
Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2017 Recap
This year marked the 15th year for AdeptiCon and I was really happy that I had attended. I remember playing back at the 1st and 2nd AdeptiCon's and then being the TO for Warhammer Fantasy for the next 2 years before moving down to Arizona. After we moved to Arizona, I was able to come back...
March 23, 2017
Hordes: Minions Gatorman Bokor and Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers (Unit)
With AdeptiCon starting tomorrow for my son and I, I really did not think I would be starting any new models, let alone finish them. I decided this past Saturday to finally assemble my Bokor and Shamblers (I have been delaying for awhile since it is a large Unit), and slowly worked on them a little...
March 15, 2017
Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild 'Mainspring'
What team doesn't need a mascot? Well for my Engineer's Guild his name is 'Mainspring' and he fits right into the playstyle I am looking for in my games of Guild Ball. I am trying to play the game with more passhing and shooting and Mainspring's Character Play Long Bomb allows me just that, adding...
March 14, 2017
Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild 'Hoist'
This past Sunday while I was painting 'Velocity', I was also painting this model 'Hoist' at the same time. 'Hoist' is an Attacking Midfielder that has a unique Character Play called True Replication where he can choose a Character Play (6") from a friendly non-Captain model and use it for...
March 13, 2017
Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild 'Velocity'
After my 3v3 intro game I had the other week I have been itching to get in another game of Guild Ball and to get some of my models painted. Getting in a game is tougher than getting some models painted. Closest 'regular' Guild Ball group is about 80 miles one way for me and my store that...
March 12, 2017
Hordes: Minions Bog Trog Mist Speaker (Solo)
I've had this model primed and ready to go for a few days an really did not think I would be starting him yesterday let alone actually finishing him. I was busy most of the day assembling the rest of my Engineer's Guild for Guild Ball, but just before dinner I decided to head downstairs and get...
March 11, 2017
Bolt Action: Great Britain 'Infantry Section 4'
My final Infantry Section for my British Army was completed last night, well at least 'final' for now, the British will be my ever growing future army. I now have four Infantry Sections comnpleted and it gives me the option to play 1 or 2 Platoons.I still have quite a few vehicles to complete...
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