It was finally time to start on the German army for my son and I. This is going to be an army they will share so we can do more Axis vs Allies battles.
I usually like to separate my posts for each units, but since I painted these models all together (like I did with the US), I just decided to combine them into one post.
Before painting these models I was contemplating on how I wanted to paint the uniforms. Seeing how I was going to be using these models/army for Early and Late War, I was having a tough decision deciding. After Googleing different paint schemes/colors, I decided to go with the 'German Fieldgrey' (Vallejo Model Color) for the tunic and trousers, and 'German Grey' for the helmets. At first when I painted the Fieldgrey, I did not care for the color too much (looked too green to me), but now that the models are completed, it's coming around to me.
Germany: Sniper Team |
Germany: Sniper Team |
Germany: Flamethrower Team |
Germany: Flamethrower Team |
Painting Points: 4
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