March 31, 2014

Battle Report: 3/30/2014 X-Wing Introduction

Seeing how this past weekend was my 40th birthday weekend :( I did not get as much modeling in as I wanted too (only assembled 6 assault rifle for Bolt Action), but I did manage to learn the game of X-Wing from Fantasy Flight Games. My son has been playing this game all last year and this year, and...

March 28, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'Heer Veteran Infantry Squads 1 & 2'

Since there was not much on TV to my liking last night, I was able to get both 5 man 'Heer Veteran Infantry Squads' completed from start to finish. As I mentioned with the three 'Heer Infantry Squads' I painted this week, these two Veteran Squads will each receive an addition 5 men with assault rifles...

March 27, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'Heer Infantry Squad 3'

The third 'Heer Infantry Squad' of three are now completed for my German army.  Up next I will be working on my two 5-men Veteran Sqauds, I am hoping to have them completed by Saturday (if not then on Saturday). Good news for my 'Late War' models, my assault rifles finally came in yesterday...

March 25, 2014

Bolt Action: Germany 'Heer Infantry Squad 2'

I was able to start/finish the second of third 'Heer Infantry Squads' for my German army last night.  Just like the first squad, these are modeled for 'Early War' (with ability to add assault rifles for 'Late War'. The plan is to start on squad three tonight with the hopes of finishing them...

March 24, 2014

Daily Chronicle: 3/24/2014 'Poll: Which Bolt Action Army Should I Start Next?'

As I am now into painting our third army for Bolt Action (Germans), I need to start to plan/think ahead what army I want to do once I get the Germans done.  I will always be expanding my son's American army, and possibly my Soviets, but I've always loved to collect multiple armies and have a...

Bolt Action: Germany 'Heer Infantry Squad 1'

Yesterday I was able to get started on the first of three 'Heer Infantry Squads' for our Bolt Action German army.  I decided to model our German army for 'Early War', then as needed for 'Late War', I will swap out some riflemen with assault rifles. I'll be starting with 3 Heer Infantry Squads...

March 23, 2014

Battle Report: 3/22/2014 Bolt Action 'Soviet Union vs Germany'

Yesterday (Saturday 3/22/14) the German army decided to do a surprise attack against the Soviet Union.  Can the 'Red Army' hold off the powerful German army? Continue reading to find out. Saturday 3/22/2014 Points: 1000 Scenario: Envelopment Objective: The attacker must try and move as many...

Bolt Action: Germany 'Sniper Team & Flamethrower Team'

It was finally time to start on the German army for my son and I.  This is going to be an army they will share so we can do more Axis vs Allies battles. I usually like to separate my posts for each units, but since I painted these models all together (like I did with the US), I just decided...

March 22, 2014

Bolt Action: Soviet Union 'Submachine Gun Squad 1'

It was a pretty busy week this week with 'real' work so afterwards I just wanted to relax.  Plus this past Wednesday was my youngest sons birthday so we had to go out for dinner, but I was able to get a squad painted this week.  I had 8 Soviet models left from my sprues and plenty of submachine...

March 21, 2014

Bolt Action: New: Soviet Ampulomet, 50mm Mortar and Flamethrower teams

Warlord Games just released some new models for Bolt Action Soviet Union.  Looks like I will need to be adding these soon to my army.  I recently ordered the 'Assault Engineer Squad' so I can get a Flamethrower, but now that they released these in regular uniforms, I'll probably keep the...

March 18, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Sniper Team'

After our game this past Sunday, I had my son cut up a 'Sniper Team' for his US army.  Seeing how he had extra models from his 'Rangers' box, this would be a good use for two of them.  Also since the 'Rangers' box came with a 'Flamethrower Team', I also had him get me these two models also. ...