February 22, 2010

Gathering in the Desert 2010: Army Displays

As I'm waiting here in the Phoenix airport waiting for my flight back to Chicago (delayed due to Chicago weather) I figured I'd upload the army pictures from this weekends GitD 2010.  A lot of beautiful armies were present this past weekend.  Enjoy the pics. GitD2010_Armi...

February 21, 2010

Gathering in the Desert 2010: Sunday Update

Gathering in the Desert 2010 is now officially over.  From the responses so far from all our player's, it seems like everyone had a good time.  Tim K did a superb job organizing the event for 2010.  I was not able to help out as much as I usually do since originally I was not planning...

Gathering in the Desert 2010: Saturday Update

Day 1 is now officially over for Gathering in the Desert 2010.  3 games down and 2 to go for Sunday.  Everyone seems to be having a great time.  We had 23 players show up this year, gaining some new faces and losing some old faces.  With the odd number of players, I got to play "ringer"...

February 20, 2010

Gathering in the Desert 2010: Friday Update

Gathering in the Desert 2010 has officially kicked off last nigh at Empire Games in Mesa Arizona.  Brent from Chicago was running a fun little tournament called March to Mount Doom Madness Tournament when arrived.  The March to Mount Doom tournament will feature a unique “bracket-style” pairing...

February 19, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/18/2010: Assembled Termagants; GitD

Just got back from lunch with another Warhammer friend Gyan here in the Valley.  It's nice to go out once in a while to just socialize instead of always gaming.  It was a great lunch and I'm looking forward to getting some games in with Gyan once we come back for good. Last night I finished...

February 18, 2010

W40K: Assembling Tyranid Termagants

Well, as I mentioned earlier today I was going to change my Tyranid list to match the model quantity in the box.  So I started assembling my Termagants this afternoon.  I assembled the first box of 12 without any problems.  I then opened the second box and started to cut the pieces away from the sprue and I noticed claws on the sprue.  I said to myself why are there claws here. ...

Daily Chronicle: 2/18/2010

Just a quick update for today.  Last night I met with my friend Ian for a game of Warhammer Fantasy over at Empire Games.  Ian is still play testing lists from the new Beastmen book, and I had brought along my Dwarf list that I had used at Core Competency 2009.  Another great game I had with a friend this week.  The game went really really fast.  We finished 6 Turns in just...

February 16, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/16/2010: Tyranid Paint Scheme

During last nights epic battle between the Salamander's and Red Corsairs, my friend Chris and I started talking about what kind of color scheme I was looking to accomplish for my new Tyranid army. I'm not the greatest painter, and I look for shortcuts to painting so I can have a fully painted army on the table to play with.  I prefer to play with painted armies as much as possible unless I'm...

Battle Report: W40K Salamanders vs. Red Corsairs

So last night I was able to make out to Empire Games in Mesa, AZ and met up with a friend of mine.  We had scheduled to get a game of W40K in while I was in town this week.  I've been wanting to try out my son's Salamanders army at 1750 points and never had a chance, and this was the time to bring them out. My opponent (Chris A) was playing a Chaos Space Marine army, the "Red Corsairs",...

February 15, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/15/2010

Well, I finally made it into Arizona on Saturday night.  After a really slow start (broken alternator belt on Thursday night) I could not leave until Friday morning after the car got fixed.  Spent most of yesterday just relaxing and picking up a few items at the store. Tonight I'll be heading over to Empire Games for a game of W40K with a good friend of mine.  I'm going to try out...

February 11, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/11/2010

All packed and ready to go.  In  a few hours I'll be making the drive out to "sunny" Arizona so I can thaw out my body.  I'll be dropping off one of our vehicles and then flying back home on the 22nd, only to return with the moving truck at the end of March. I planned this trip just right, I now get to stay the weekend of the 20th & 21st for "Gathering in the Desert" a LotR Indy...

W40K: IG 9th Vostroyans 2000 Point List

I believe I finally decided on a list for the 9th Vostroyans.  Since mainly my 114th Cadians are a mix of Foot/Mech (with the option to go fully Mech), I decided that for the Vostroyans I will go fully Mechanized for them.  This way the 144th Cadians can stay as Foot/Mech, and I'll play the Vostroyans fully Mech.  When I finally do play Apocalypse games, I'll have plenty of fire power...

February 10, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/10/2010

If you had not realized yesterday, but I finally decided on the "official" regiment number for my Imperial Guard Cadians.  Since our AdeptiCon 40K TT army is based out of the Imperial Armour Volume 3 "The Taros Campaign", I decided to go with the 114th Cadians for my Imperial Guard.  The 114th...

W40K: IG 114th Cadian 2nd Infantry Platoon

As I mentioned in yesterday's 'Daily Chronicle' I was able to finish up the 2nd Infantry Platoon for my 114th Cadian Imperial Guard.  The Platoon Command will actually have an Autocannon instead of two Guardsman (you can see my list change here) but I thought I should finish up the original two...

February 9, 2010

Daily Chronicle: 2/9/2010

Most of my posts are usually showing off a unit that I recently painted, possibly a new list that I came up with or an event that I will be attending.  Very rarely do I post any daily updates.  So a new feature for me will be the 'Daily Chronicle'.  Most of the news will be 'miniature' related, but some may not be.  There are days when I'm just working on a unit and I'm not ready...

February 6, 2010

W40K: IG 1750 Fully Mechanized List

Along with the 1750 Mech/Foot list I have posted, I think I will be trying out this Fully Mechanized list once in awhile for fun.  It's all about having fun with our toy soldiers isn't it?  Why not try out different builds since the models will already be assembled and painted. Here goes: 1750 Pts HQ Company Command Squad w/ 4 Grenade Launchers; Chimera (125) Troops Veteran Squad w/...

W40K: IG 1500/1750/2000 Lists Take 2

I decided to make a few little changes to my Imperial Guard 1500/1750/2000 point Mech/Foot lists.  I'll be dropping two Guardsman from the Platoon Commands and replacing them with Autocannon's along with dropping the Carapace Armour from Vet Squad #3.  This also freed some points to add "Smoke" to the Devil Dog's Here are my updated lists: 1500 Pts HQ Company Command Squad w/ 3 Grenade...

W40K: IG 1st Infantry Platoon Command

Last night, going in today I was able to finish my Platoon Command for my 1st Infantry Platoon.  After finishing the Command, I then realized I'll be making a small change to the Command.  I am going to be swapping out two Guardsman for an Autocannon Team.  I'll be making this change...

February 5, 2010

W40K: IG 1st Infantry Platoon; Squads 1 & 2

I already had Squad 1 of my 1st Infantry Platoon done prior to the new year, but I did complete the bases yesterday.  I also finished up Squad 2 of the 1st Infantry Platoon.  The Heavy Bolters are currently missing from the Squads as they will all be painted at the same time. 1st Infantry...

February 4, 2010

Tutorial: Basing The Imperial Guard

Usually when painting my bases for my armies, I do a basecoat on the entire base, then do a light dry brush usually of "Bleached Bone", paint the bands with "Bestial Brown" and add some static grass.  With my Imperial Guard army, my teammate for the AdeptiCon 40K TT wanted the bases to look a little...

February 2, 2010

W40K: IG Special Weapons Squads

In January I finished up four Special Weapons Squads for the Imperial Guard and I did not post the pictures.  The reason being, the bases/matte coat were not done on them.  I was originally going to wait till we moved back to AZ and get all the bases done with the idea being that I wanted...

WFB: Wood Elves Glade Guard (Unit #3)

Well it only took over two years, but I finally finished the three units of Glade Guard Archers for my son's Warhammer Wood Elves army.  I was not really motivated in Fantasy too much over the last two years, but a new 'league' that we are currently playing here in Illinois has helped get me motivated. ...

February 1, 2010

Gaming in the Northwest Valley (AZ)

Another great gaming store in the Phoenix area is Imperial Outpost Games.  They are in a part of Phoenix known as the 'West Valley'.  To be more accurate, the 'Northwest'.  The owner is great guy and also loves to play the games that he sells.  Unfortunately IOG is long haul from the 'East Valley' so I rarely do get to make the trip out there.  I have played and ran tournaments...

Soon To Be Local Flagship (AZ)

As I said in a couple of earlier posts, I'll be relocating back to Arizona the first weekend in April.  We'll be heading back out to a part of Phoenix known as the 'East Valley'.  The first time around in Arizona, a new gaming store called Empire Games in Mesa, AZ opened up their doors in...