It's the final month and day of 2010 and to recap the 'Painting Points' for 2010. Just like November, December was not a 'high' month regarding actual Painting Points, but it was another good month in regards to getting models finished.
This past month I have only been painting Warmachine...
I usually do not like to double post models in the same day, but 2010 is coming to an end tonight so I wanted to get the last of the models up on the blog that I painted this year before we move into 2011 tomorro...
Here is the last of the Cygnar models my son received for Christmas "Captain Maxwell Finn".
"Finn" will be used mostly in a themed "Trencher" list that he'll run occasionally with "Siege", that is of course only when he wants to take a break from playing with "Stryker".
I am quite please on...
My first attempt ever for painting a Protectorate of Menoth model. Santa had brought a 15 point army for my son and I was itching to try painting one of these guys. I've been contemplating on how I was going to paint the 'white' for this army. I really do not like painting white....
My son finally received his third Warcaster "Major Marcus 'Siege' Brisbane" for his Cygnar army on Christmas.
For the current Warmachine League that we are participating in at or local game store (Empire Games) one of the 'Achievement's you can earn is to play a game with a fully painted Warcaster....
Cygnar's pride and joy, my son's "baby" (as he like to call him) is now finished.
Since this is the "Warjack" of Cygnar for my son's "Stryker", I wanted to spend a little more time painting this model, but at the same time to make sure the scheme matches to what I am already painting.
In the end,...
Up first from my son's Christmas presents is the Cygnar "Squire".
With this guy I wanted him to match more of his existing Warjacks rather than how Privateer Press painted their "Squire". Currently I have no shades of white on any of his Warjacks so I wanted to go more with the blue's on this...
Christmas Aftermath
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas the other day and received all the new miniatures that they wanted. For our family since we are Eastern Orthodox and follow the original calendar, our religious Christmas is January 7th. To make it easier for the kids growing up...
This past Monday night along with the "Strakhov" model I finished on Wednesday, I also picked up a "Classic Marauder".
Well this morning he hit the painting table. By lunch time his base was ready to be painted, and by 3:00 PM he hit the gaming table for his Khador debut.
Using his special...
Even though I have played a little over a dozen Warmachine games in the last month I have yet to write up a 'Battle Report'. As I mentioned last night, yesterday I had a 'League' game with a friend of mine. For our league, you can choose any point size game and you are allowed to play...
As much as I love collecting different armies, I also want to collect all the models for my Khador army and my son's Cygnar army. The other night I was contemplating picking up a few models start a Cryx army, or add some more to my Khador. After a long decision (yea it was tough)...
I finally was able to get some painting done this Winter Vacation and completed my son's Cygnar "Long Gunner Infantry" Unit.
We've been busy the last two days with outdoor activities (mainly hiking), but I was able to start on these guys yesterday, then woke up early today (to take the wife out for...
After a very very long week at work, yesterday officially kicked-off vacation for me through out the rest of 2010. So with yesterday being my first day off, painting had to commence.
On January 2nd, 2011 we are having a small 15 pt tourney with certain restrictions ( 1 Caster/1 Warjack / 1...
Just taking a little breather from work right now and posting the latest addition to my Khador army.
As I mentioned yesterday, I was able to work on this model over this past weekend. I am hoping to get my next Warjack done this week, but it is looking to be another weekend job.
Anyways here...