October 28, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #43

This last Painting Quarter of the year has been off to a slow start, but I think soon a flow of models will be hitting my table.  I have been recently purchasing some Space Marines for Warhammer 40000 to work on a new Imperial Fists army, soon I will have enough models to keep me busy into the...

October 27, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists Pre-Order Arrived!

Most of my Imperial Fists pre-order had arrived yesterday and my son and I made the trek down to South Bend to pick it up.  Unfortunately they did not receive the Upgrade Pack in their shipments, so when it arrived it will be another trip down. Now I am going to spend a few hours this morning...

October 25, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists Incoming Tomorrow!

Last weekend the pre-orders went on sale for the new Warhammer 40000 Salamanders and Imperial Fists Codex Supplements and Datacards.  While my son went and ahead and did an order for the Salamanders, I did not order anything.  After reading about the new releases this past week for the...

October 21, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #42

This past week was not actually bad for me, a pickup from the previous month.  Models were painted and games were played, so that's a plus. First I was able to paint up some new models for Warhammer 40000 with the 'Eliminators' for my Black Templars army and began assembling my 'Redemptor Dreadnought',...

October 20, 2019

Daily Chronicle: Litko Movement Templates and Clear Bases for Warhammer 40K

As I mentioned last year when I was purchasing templates for Arena Rex, I have been using Litko for nearly 16 years now when it comes to having custom tokens made and there were my first go to for my purchase of clear bases. Now that most of the Space Marines for Warhammer 40K need...

October 17, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Eliminators I'

UPDATE 10/25/2019: Yesterday afternoon I decided to turn the below Black Templars and paint their shoulder pads from white to yellow.  With the new Codex Supplement releasing tomorrow, I though Imperial Fists would be a fun army to collect. 10/17/2019: Well it has been 4 years since I last...

October 16, 2019

W40K: Coming Soon, Salamanders, Imperial Fists and More!

Salamanders and Imperial Fists are getting a new Codex Supplement next week October 26th, 2019.  Games Workshop is taking pre-orders this Saturday October 19th, 2019 for the new Codex Supplements along with a few new Space Marine models. For new models, both the Imperial Fists and Salamanders...

October 14, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #41

It still was a pretty slow week, but as I mentioned in yesterday's post, this past weekend was the 2019 Michigan GT and I was hosting the Guild Ball event on Saturday, so nothing was painted this week, nor any games played for myself. That will change this weekend and my son and I have a weekend...

October 13, 2019

Daily Chronicle: Michigan GT Guild Ball Championship Recap

Yesterday in Lansing, MI was the 2019 Michigan GT Guild Ball Championships and I was the Host for the event.  Originally when inquiring about interest for the event there were over 25 people that had said they would attend, which would be a really nice turn out, unfortunately only 15 people attended...

October 9, 2019

W40K: What Did I Do?

Oh My God! I really cannot believe I am actually writing this post.  A few years ago I had told myself I was done with Games Workshop (GW) games, and like everyone says, they just pull you right back in. Warhammer Fantasy back in 2002 had gotten me into miniature gaming, then followed by Warhammer...

October 7, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #40

Well at least I was able to get in one game of Guild Ball this past weekend (on Saturday).  I found out my son will be off work next Saturday for the Michigan GT, so we played a game to shake off some of the rest.  For the first time ever I tried to pay with the Alchemist's Guild, that was...