April 30, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #17

Unfortuntaley no new updates for last week.  I would not say that I am in a slump, just too many other things are currently occupying my time.  Maybe we’ll get a model completed this week (but doubtful).  My 2nd quarter of painting for 2018 is not looking to good, my 2nd quarter queue...

April 23, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #16

As I mentioned last week my hobbying time is very slow due to other real life events.  I just finished remodeling the upstairs bathroon and now that the weather is getting nicer, I will have some outside yard work that will also need to get done.  My 2nd Quarter Painting Queue is not looking...

April 17, 2018

BMG: Spartan (John Diggle) [BatB]

I was finally able to get another miniature completed and this time I decided to try painting a model for the Batman Miniature Game.  I have yet to play a game or fully read the rulebook, but I wanted a little change from paintng Warmachine/Hordes.  In two months when my oldest son moves up...

April 16, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #15

Wow, this is the first week in 2018 that I did not get a model completed for the blog, that is what happens when real life gets in the way.  I have been busy remodeling a bathroom last week and that will continue on through this week.  I may have one model to show this week if time allows...

April 15, 2018

Battle Report: Steamroller 4/14/2018 (Toledo, OH)

Yesterday my friend TJ and I took a drive out to Toledo Game Room in Toledo, OH (it was about a 3 hour drive for us) for a Warmachine/Hordes Steamroller event.  This was actually my first official Steamroller I ever played in, I played in events at conventions, but never a SR at a local...

April 9, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #14

Things are going to get a little slow on the model painting for the next couple of weeks, we decided to take on a little bathroom renovation so that will be taking up most of my evenings.  At least last week I was able to get a couple of models completed for Warmachine/Hordes, I was also able to...

April 6, 2018

Battle Report: Hordes 4/5/2018 Minions vs Trollbloods (75 Points)

It has been awhile since I met up with my friend for another game of Hordes (3/12/2018) just before AdeptiCon and last night it was my time to host the game.  I am leaning towards playing a ‘Rask’ Will Work For Food theme at this years NOVA Open Team Tournament at the end of August and I figure...

April 5, 2018

WM: Khador Decimator 1 (Warjack)

I almost forgot to post this today (I was deep in thought about my Hordes game tonight) but I finally was able to finsh my ‘Decimator’ Warjack for my Khador army.  I started this model awhile ago and just was slowly adding colors to him as I had time, well last night I decided to actually finish...

April 4, 2018

WM: Mercenaries Orin Midwinter (Solo)

It has been a little over two years since I last painted a Warmachine Mercenary model (mostly now it is my Hordes models with a few Khador), but this Solo, ‘Orin Midwinter’ is needed in my Minions list I am working on for the NOVA Open at the end of August and it gives me my first painted model for...

April 3, 2018

Daily Chronicle: The Urge To Play X-Wing

I do not know why, but for some reason I have to urge to play X-Wing again.  It may be since I am fresh from coming back from AdeptiCon and I saw a lot of games being played there and the fact Fantasy Flight Games were selling a bunch of models, or the fact that they are pre-painted and easier...

April 2, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #13

Last week was a very slow week in regards to painting and playing any games, I am still in a little rut from my downtime from AdeptiCon and trying to catch up on all my TV shows that I missed during that time.  My TV time takes away from my painting time.  As I mentoned yesterday I have a...

April 1, 2018

Daily Chronicle: 2018 2nd Quarter Painting Queue

First off, Happy Easter! everyone.  I cannot believe I am already into the 2nd quarter of 2018 for my Painting Queue.  I just spent the morning re-priortizing the queue and adding more models that I had purchased through my son and at AdeptiCon last weekend and the list is pretty long....