December 31, 2015

Hordes: Minions Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (Solo)

My last post for 2015. I thought I squeeze in a few more Painting Points before the year is up My 50 point Gatorman Army is getting closer and closer to completion, all that is left is 3 Units of Gatorman Posse (I'll probably start assembling them tomorrow afternoon and over the next two weeks...

December 30, 2015

2015 Year in Review

Well once again it is that time of year where us gamers do a recap of our accomplishments (or non accomplishments) from the year. I had pretty high ambitions for 2015 when it started out, but then the weather warmed up and my Cycling started to take over my life (and health...losing 90lbs from cycling). Cycling 3 times a day made it hard to get any other hobbies in for the day, then on the weekends...

December 29, 2015

Hordes: Minions Bull Snapper (Warbeast)

My Minions Gatorman Battlegroup is now completed. For my Battlegroup, I have my Warlock Rask, and for my Warbeasts; Blackhide Wrastler, Ironback Spitter and Bull Snapper. I am now ready for some 'Tooth & Claw' games. The Gatorman really fit my painting style with dark colors, so I can quickly...

December 28, 2015

Hordes: Minions Ironback Spitter (Warbeast)

Earlier today I had said it was good weekend for me and painting my Hordes Gatorman. Two posts in one day. After I finished my Warlock Rask yesterday morning, I had then decided to start on my next Warbeasts Ironback Spitter. Just like with Rask, I opted to stray away from the Privateer Press...

Hordes: Minions Rask (Warlock)

It was a good weekend for painting some Hordes Gatorman for me. I actually got quite a bit accomplished and a few models prepped and waiting in queue. Up next we have the Minion Warlock Rask. For now he will be leading my Gatorman Army (may eventually be alternating with Barnabas). Usually...

December 27, 2015

Hordes: Minions Blackhide Wrastler (Warbeast)

Well I officially started on a Hordes army for myself. A few years ago I started collecting a Trollbloods army (still have them) but did not start painting them. I did finally get enough models for the Trollbloods to fill them to 50 points and eventually they will see the painitng table. Any ways...

December 26, 2015

WM: Mercenaries Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (Solo)

First off, if I have any Canadian or English readers out there, Happy Boxing Day! With yesterday being Christmas, it usually means we are all home not doing much until Christmas dinner is ready. So after opening presents and getting my daily bicycle ride in, I decided to do some more painting. In...

December 25, 2015

WM: Mercenaries Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (Unit)

First off I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas 2015! I know it is a bit late in the day already, but I finally was able to get some time to write this post. Well the last 10 models for my 'original planned' list for the Las Vegas Open in February is now completed. Having Christmas Eve...

December 24, 2015

Battle Report: WM 12/23/2015 Khador vs Cygnar (35 Points)

Another practice game for my son and I last night, once again we played 35 Points so I can get more familiar with my army and time management, and once again I was cutting it pretty close with my clock. I was down to my final 8 minutes and down 2 Control Points to 0 and I saw an opening and I figure...

December 21, 2015

WM: Khador Conquest (Colossal)

My big guy is completed...Khador Conquest, my first Colossal for Warmachine. I painted him a little bit each night last week and then completed him last night. At a whopping 19 points, he currently is my only Warjack for my Las Vegas list (I am debating on bringing a second list more melee oriented...

December 15, 2015

Battle Report: WM 12/14/2015 Khador vs Cygnar (35 Points)

Last night I met my son for another practice game at our LGS (Empire Games) to get ready for the LVO. It is my second game playing with the Steamroller 2015 scenarios (first game was last week which I lost, not documented). We have been testing with 35 point lists so I can familiarize myself more...

December 14, 2015

Hordes: Minions Gobber Tinker (Solo)

It was a pretty sucessful weekend for me, along with finishing Sylys on Friday night, Saturday I spent the day working on a Minion Solo, Gobber Tinker. That is one thing that I really enjoy about Warmachine/Hordes, I love the look of the models and enjoy painting them, especially models like...

December 13, 2015

WM: Mercenaries Sylys Wyshnalyrr (Solo)

I a so glad most of my TV shows are done until after winter break, I am able to get more and more Warmachine models completed. Friday afternoon/night I started and completed my Sylys Wyshnalyrr, a Mercenary for hire.  An Iosan scholar well versed in the arcane arts, Sylys Wyshnalyrr barters his...

December 11, 2015

WM: Khador Great Bears Of Gallowswood (Unit)

Last night I was able to complete yet another Unit for my Khador Army, the Great Bears Of Gallowswood. Once I get going on a deadline, I just roll them out. Grant it none of my paint jobs are of excellent quality, but at least they are table-top worthy and I can play with a painted army. Completing...

December 10, 2015

WM: Khador Koldun Kapitan Valachev (Unit)

At the same time I was painting my Forward Kommander Sorscha, I decided to paint my Kodun Kapitan Valechev. The colors were very similar and I need to save as much time as possible.Koldun Kapitan Valachev is a Unit Attachment for my Khador Army, and will be used as an attachment for my Nyss Hunters...

December 9, 2015

WM: Khador Forward Kommander Sorscha (Warcaster)

We're rolling rolling rolling getting models done for the Warmachine Las Vegas Open in February 2016.  I was able to get two more models done this past weekend. First up, we have Forward Kommander Sorscha. I thought the ice on her was going to give me issues, but I am quite happy on...

December 7, 2015

2016 Lock & Load Badges Are On Sale!

 Badges for Lock & Load 2016 are now on sale! As we announced last week, Lock & Load GameFest 2016 is going to be even more unique than Lock & Load experiences of years past, thanks to changes in our annual schedule. We’ve decided to make Lock & Load the anchor for the year. This...