April 27, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #17

Week #17 was not a good week for gaming, but at least I did finish some models earlier in the week (Terminators).  I have been kind of a on a lull lately, which is not a bad thing, sometimes you just need a little break before getting right back in it.  There is still plenty of time before...

April 22, 2020

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Terminator Assault Squad I'

Well it actually has been quite some time, actually a whole month (Whirlwind I) since I completed anything for my Imperial Fists army but this past Sunday I sat down for a few hours and started to work on my 'Terminator Assault Squad I' and was able to wrap them up yesterday. The 'Terminators' are...

April 20, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #16

Well week #16 wasn't superb, but it was an average week for me.  In the gaming side of the hobby, it was a little weak, we only played one game of X-Wing on Saturday and I got to test me new ships for the Separatist Alliance, I still need some practice with the 'Sith Infiltrator' as the Separatists...

April 14, 2020

Daily Chronicle: X-Wing Goodies Arrived 04/14/2020 (Separatist/Empire)

This past weekend the urge to get in some X-Wing games hit me, so on Sunday I had to place an order on Amazon (with my birthday gift card my that wife had gotten me), I wanted to expand our Galactic Empire so I added a TIE/sk Striker and a TIE Reaper.  The TIE Reaper is still packaged as first...

W40K: Tyranids 'Kronos Termagants x5 (c)'

Well I have these 5 models sitting in various stages of completion for a long time, built, primed, semi painted and now another 5  Kronos 'Termagants' with Fleshborer's are finished.  That makes 15 'Termagants' with Fleshborer's completed and I believe I have another 5 to do before moving...

April 13, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #15

Still on "stay at home" orders due to COVID-19 but my normal work schedule is still actually keeping me busy, so not really has changed much for me. Painting wise last week saw me complete three models for the DC Universe Miniature Game with 'Ultraman', 'Owlman' and 'Power Ring'.  Nothing was...

April 9, 2020

DCU: Power Ring (Harold Jordan) [JLV]

As of now I have only prepped three of the Crime Syndicate models, the first two were posted Tuesday and Wednesday with 'Ultraman' and 'Owlman', and today we have the third model which is 'Power Ring'.  'Power Ring' is the alternate universe 'Green Lantern'.  Power Ring Power...

April 8, 2020

April 7, 2020

DCU: Ultraman (Kal-Il) [JLV]

When I ordered my DC Universe Miniature Game rulebook back in November after the Renegade Open, I also added to my order the new DC 'Crime Syndicate' box that was released that came with 'Ultraman', 'Owlman', 'Power Ring', 'Superwoman' and 'Johnny Quick' so that I would have an equivalent to running...

April 6, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #14

Week #14 was a pretty average week for me, which is a good thing, a model was completed and games were played. First off, 'Doomsday' for DCUMG was completed during the week and actually hit the gaming table on Saturday also.  I was also able to prep some of the Crime Syndicate models for DCUMG,...

April 5, 2020

Battle Report: DCUMG 4/4/2020 (Core "Superman VS Doomsday")

Seeing how I just finished 'Doosmday' the other day, it was only fitting that the 2nd Edition of the DCU Miniature Game Rulebook had a scenario called "Superman VS Doosmday", and I thought it would be fun to try this one out.  This was our first game playing with a full Power Level Team of 60...

April 2, 2020

DCU: Doomsday [JLV]

Well I did not expect to see this coming so soon, actually painting DCU specific models.  We played our first game of DCU this past weekend and I thought the game was pretty fun, similar to BMG 2E, yet different.  The next morning I had to go out and look for the baddest bad guy of them...