April 5, 2020

Battle Report: DCUMG 4/4/2020 (Core "Superman VS Doomsday")

Seeing how I just finished 'Doosmday' the other day, it was only fitting that the 2nd Edition of the DCU Miniature Game Rulebook had a scenario called "Superman VS Doosmday", and I thought it would be fun to try this one out.  This was our first game playing with a full Power Level Team of 60 for each us.

I ended up fielding for the Villains; 'Doomsday', 'Deadshot', 'Black Manta', 'Grodd' and 'The Merciless'.  For the Heroes it was; 'Superman', 'Batman', 'Green Lantern', 'Batgirl', and 'Flash'.

The Justice League Villains were able to draw first turn, so of course 'Doomsday' was going to go on into 'Superman' and see what he can do.  The Scenario specified that the two of them could only attack each other for the first two Rounds of the game.  'Doosmday' was using "Fury" right off that bat and I was lucky enough to score 3 Critical Hits doing 15 points of damage right away to 'Superman'.  If sis not last long for him as he went down in Round 2.

The Heroes did manage to take out 'Grodd' and 'Deadshot' and the Villains cleaned house winning 14-3.  You scored 5 points for killing 'Superman/Doomsday' and 1 point for the others, 'Batgirl' has a rule granting an extra point along with 'The Merciless'.

'Doomsday' is really tough and powerful, but DCUMG for me/us is not a "competitive" game, I just want to throw out some Villains and see how they do.  We did have one 'Grab/Throw' in this game (a cop car smashing into 'Deadshot') and we still need to play around more with smashing buildings and see what happens (especially if 'Batman' goes and batclaws to top to hide).

Not sure when our next game will be (maybe 2 weeks) but I will see what other models I can come up with for 60 Power.


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