February 28, 2019

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2019 Online Cart Closes Today

Just wanted to send out a reminder that online registration for AdeptiCon 2019 closes today at 1:00 PM Central Time. http://cart.adepticon.org to register. I believe I am all squared for the weekend, currently I am registered for: Thursday: Guild Ball Early Bird Open Friday: X-Wing System Open...

February 27, 2019

Guild Ball: Bourbon Trail Open 'Goals'

It was very nice that the TO for Bourbon Trail Open IV provided the players with a little swag bag, and inside each bag were a pair of dice, a BTO IV button, and a custom painted 3D Goal.  The Goals I usually use for my Guilds are made from acrylic and have the Guilds logo on them, but it was...

February 25, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #8 (Recovery & Prep)

Bourbon Trail Open IV is now complete and it is time to concentrate on my upcoming tournament on March 16th, and AdeptiCon which starts in 30 days.  BTO IV was a good time, I do wish I could have played one more game, but the feeling after Round 3 was pretty bad.  I wish more players can...

February 24, 2019

Daily Chronicle: Bourbon Trail Open IV Recap

Well late last night the Bourbon Trail Open IV here in Radcliff, KY has ended and Alex Botts with the Butcher's Guild is the Champion after 6 Rounds of play. The results from Bourbon Trail Open IV can be found HERE on Longshanks. Out of the 6 Rounds, I only played in 3.  My first 2 games were...

February 22, 2019

February 21, 2019

Daily Chronicle: 2 Days Till "Bourbon Trail Open IV"

Just 2 more days until Bourbon Trail Open IV kicks off and I am getting more and more excited. Not that I was expecting much of a swag bag, but the TO has posted a few items that the players will receive, and the gesture is very nice.  Here are some of the items we will be receiving.  BTO...

February 20, 2019

Daily Chronicle: 3 Days Till "Bourbon Trail Open IV"

OK, so I am very excited for this weekend's "Bourbon Trail Open IV" down in Radcliff, KY at the Boundary Oak Distillery.  This will actually be the largest event I have attended to date for Guild Ball (there are a few more later this year that will/may top this one) but I am really looking forward...

February 19, 2019

Guild Ball: Alchemist's Guild 'Veteran Calculus'

It has been a pretty long time since I completed a model for 2019, but this past Sunday I finally sat down and got some painting done.  With all the new Captain models coming out and my Cook's Minor Guild, I thought it was time to shake the paint bottles and get something completed. I am still...