June 29, 2018

Battle Report: WM/H 6/28/2018 Speedmachine (15 Points)

The nice thing about being on vacation for a few days, I am able to get in some gaming and painting.  Yesterday was our day to stay home and get in a few games of Warmachine/Hordes.  The NOVA Open is two months away and I still wanted to get in some practice for “Speedmachine”.  “Speedmachne”...

June 27, 2018

WM/H: Privateer Press Releases Steamroller 2018 Rules

Privateer Press had announced that once Lock & Load 2018 was over they would be releasing the new Steamroller 2018 rules packet, well today is the day.Not much has really changed in terms of rules in the packet (Masters and Champions packets do have more changes) but they did modify 3 of the Scenarios...

June 25, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #25

This is not a very good pattern for me with rarely any updates and I am hoping that will turn around very soon.  I am actually off on vacation the rest of the week and I am planning to finally prime some models and possibly get some paint on.  Will I finish a model or a Unit, we shall see....

June 24, 2018

WM: Khador Armored Corp Incoming

With the recent CID release for Khador also comes some new models for them.  Over the past two weeks, Privateer Press has been releasing new Man-O-War models for the Khador army.  Khador was my first army for Warmachine/Hordes and probably still is my favorite.  I do love the look of...

June 19, 2018

Battle Report: WM/H 6/18/2018 Minions vs Cygnar (15 Points Speedmachine)

One of the events my son and I will be playing in this years NOVA Open in September is called “Speedmachine”.  It is Warmachine/Hordes, 15 point armies and 3:00 minute turns, hence the name “Speedmachine”.To save on space in the car while traveling I was only planning on bringing one army with...

June 18, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #24

Once again another week has passed and not too much was accomplished.  At least I did actually build a few Khador ‘Kodiak’ Warjacks last week and I know it will still be a few weeks before I get any paint on them.  I have 72 days before NOVA Open starts, so that is my goal for my 7 models...

June 14, 2018

Daily Chronicle: 2018 2nd Quarter Painting Queue Update

I kind of expected going into the 2nd quarter this year that my modeling/painting would slow down, but I honestly did not expect it to basically come to a halt.  I knew that at the end of May I would be going back down to Arizona for a few days, and that is all that I had planned.  Well 2...

June 11, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #23

Boy time is flying by pretty fast this year, we are already into Week #23 for the year.  As you can see in my blog, gaming/hobbying has been pretty slow for me the last 2 months, and I am way behind in my ‘Painting Queue’.  I really need to re-evaluate my queue and start to get ready for the...

June 8, 2018

Battle Report: Warmachine 6/7/2018 Khador vs Circle (50 Points)

It has been some time since my last game of Warmachine/Hordes but last night my son and I finally got to get a game in downstairs in the man cave.  To keep things a little quicker we played only 50 points and I wanted to proxy in my new ‘Assault Chariot’ that had just arrived.I elected to play...

June 7, 2018

WM: Khador Man-O-War Assault/Siege Chariot Arrived

This past weekend my Khador ‘Man-O-War Assault/Siege Chariot’ arrived from Black Anchor Heavy Industries (Privateer Press), and I was so busy putting our main bathroom back together that I forgot I received the package till yesterday afternoon.  Once I remembered about it, I had to open it and...

June 4, 2018

Weekly Chronicle 2018 #22

It has been pretty bad for my hobbying/gaming the last 2 months (ever since coming back from AdeptiCon), but both of my bathroom remodeling projects are now completed, my trip down to Arizona to move my son up to Michigan is completed, so now HOPEFULLY I can start to get back into the swing of things.There...