February 28, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Pyg Bushwhackers (Unit)

Painting my Trollbloods started back up last week. I have a lot to paint if I want to get this army ready for the Master's Tournament at the 2016 Lock & Load in June. I am hoping this army will be done in time, but do not want to rush them. I am still working on the way I want the skin to...

February 24, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, What Lists For 2016 Lock & Load'

We are a little over 3 months away from the Privateer Press 2016 Lock & Load Gamefest (June 10-12) in Bellevue, WA and I need to decide on what I want to play at this event. The 'official' event listings have not been announced yet (hopefully very soon), so I am basing my decisions on the events...

Hordes: Minions Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Unit)

Last night it was time for some more Minions and my Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew hit the painting table. Again, once I started on these models I just kept on going and next thing I knew they were almost done. This is one of the main reasons why I like WM/H so much in regards to the painting, most of...

February 22, 2016

Hordes: Minions Saxon Orrick (Solo)

It was a slow weekend for painting for me, only was able to get this 1 model completed (although I was able to get 2 games in on Friday night).  Saxon Orrick is another Solo that I need for my Khador Butcher 3 list (down to 17 models to get that list completed). Saturday night my son and I...

February 19, 2016

WM: Mercenaries Madelyne Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan (Solo)

There is something about painting Warmachine/Hordes miniatures that I really enjoy about them, especially the Solo's. I think it is because most of the models are unique. When I paint a Solo, each miniature feels like a centerpiece and time can be spent just on that one model. Coming from the 'rank...

February 17, 2016

WWX: Unboxing The 'Two Player Starter Box'

Well this is my first post for a new game my son and I picked up while in Las Vegas for the LVO, 'Wild West Exodus' by Outlaw Miniatures. Funny thing is, they are local company to me...same city. Outlaw Miniatures is actually an offshoot of Battlefoam. As I mentioned in my LVO recap post, I always...

February 16, 2016

WM: Mercenaries Ogrun Bokur (Solo)

I was not really sure I was going to be able to start on a model last night, but once I started to lay down the base colors for Ogrun Bokur, I just kept on going until he was finished. I usually do not stray from the Privateer Press Studio color schemes, but for this guy I elected to make his skin...

February 15, 2016

WM: Khador Man-O-War Drakhun Dragoon (Solo)

A little late posting this model (was busy over the weekend), but this past Friday night I was able to finish my Man-O-War Drakhun Dragoon Solo model. This model was one of my first Warmachine models I ever purchased years and years ago. When he was purchased, the dismounted model was not included...

February 11, 2016

WM: Khador Widowmakers (Unit)

The night before I left for the LVO, I decided that I would prep these guys/gal and apply the base color of brown to them. I did this so when I came back from the event I would have some motivation to get them painted. Tuesday night was my 20th Wedding Anniversary, so no painting was done that...

February 9, 2016

February 6, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'LVO 2016 Thursday February 4th Travel Day'

Thursday February 4th was my son's and I travel day up to the Las Vegas Open 2016. We left Phoenix, AZ at 9:00 AM and arrived in Las Vegas, NV around 2:00 PM local time. Since we arrived a little early for hotel check-in, I decided to get some shopping done for my family at the M&M's store....

February 3, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'LVO 2016 This Weekend'

Well the time has come since I first announced back in September that my son and I will be heading to Las Vegas, NV for the LVO 2016 Warmachine. This weekend marks the big event for the two of us and I am going to have a fun time. Back in Semptember when I announced that we were attending,...

February 2, 2016

WM: Khador Ruin (Warjack)

I did not think it would be possible to finish my Khador Ruin Warjack before leaving for the LVO Warmachine Thursday morning, but I spent all last night to get him completed. He had a lot of little details on him that made me keep switching paints back and forth. Ruin is a Character Warjack for...