December 21, 2016

2016 Year in Review

Once again it is that time of the year where us blogger's get to recap what we did or did not accomplish for the year. I actually kind of enjoy writing these posts along with the first post of the new year for my goals.2016 started with a "What's in store for 2016" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review.Bolt Action2016Painting Goal: None at the moment.Gaming Goal: Play at least...

December 20, 2016

Daily Chronicle: Shaking Off The Dust (Again)

Yea I know, I am always shaking of the dust. I go in spurts when it comes to wargaming. I enjoy so many hobbies, but can usually only concentrate on one at a time. Now that I back up North in the frozen tundra, the winter months keeps me from cycling outdoors, so it's time to get back to an indoor hobby.A...

June 26, 2016

WM: Khador Behemoth 'new sculpt' (Warjack)

Back to a little Warmachine with my Khador army. One of the perks of attending an event like Lock & Load is that Privateer Press sells models in their store that have yet been released to the public. Seeing that I knew I was going to be spending a lot of money on MKIII items, I was not planning...

June 23, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide (Solo)

Picked up Janissa Stonetide from a friend last weekend who was selling off some of his models. I had this model on my list of models needed for my Doomie 1 list and while I was at Lock & Load, I forgot to pick it up. Glad he was selling her and I picked her up for $6. She had a little paint on...

June 22, 2016

Hordes: Minions Blind Walker (Warbeast)

This past Sunday was Father's Day and my oldest son actually got me a present this year. I usually do not expect anything from my three boys (since when I want something I go out and buy it myself), but it was nice to actually receive something this year. Seeing how my oldest is into Warmachine/Hordes...

June 20, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Lock & Load 2016 Recap'

I know this a few days late, but I thought I'd go ahead and write a quick recap of 'Lock & Load 2016' which took place the weekend of June 10th-12th in Bellevue, WA. along with a small photo dump. For my son and I, this was the first 'Lock & Load' we attended. We attended the LVO back...

June 5, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Dire Troll Blitzer (Warbeast)

Two months since a model hit this blog, that's pretty bad. But when you have as many hobbies as I do you need to priortize (plus lately I have been pretty lazy, my mind has been concentrating on house hunting out of state). Since Privateer Press's 'Lock & Load' is next weekend (and my son and...

April 3, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Dire Troll Bomber (Warbeast)

Well the batteries in the painting machine seem to have faded in the month of March, but during the last week of the month I was able to get my Trollbloods Dire Troll Bomber on the painting table. I did not get him finished in March, but he will be the first model for April. I was able to get...

March 11, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Captain Gunnbjorn (Warlock)

My first Warlock for my Trollbloods army is now complete. I have been slowly working in Captain Gunnbjorn throughout the week, and last night I was able to finish him up. I still have a lot of models to complete for my 2 50 point lists, and in all honsestly do not think they will be finished by...

March 7, 2016

Hordes: Minions Croak Raiders (Unit)

Nothing special with this Unit, these guys were truly just 'speed painted' so I can get them done and have 2 full 50 point lists for my Minions. At least now I am ready for Lock & Load Masters with at least my Gators. My plan is still to complete my Trollbloods for this event, but it will...

March 2, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar (Unit)

I am finally quite happy on how the skin turned out on my Trollbloods. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am still trying to figure out the skin tone for this army. I think with these guys I am satisfied and will be using this technique going forward on the rest of my Trollbloods. I know it is...

February 28, 2016

Hordes: Trollbloods Pyg Bushwhackers (Unit)

Painting my Trollbloods started back up last week. I have a lot to paint if I want to get this army ready for the Master's Tournament at the 2016 Lock & Load in June. I am hoping this army will be done in time, but do not want to rush them. I am still working on the way I want the skin to...

February 24, 2016

Daily Chronicle: 'Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, What Lists For 2016 Lock & Load'

We are a little over 3 months away from the Privateer Press 2016 Lock & Load Gamefest (June 10-12) in Bellevue, WA and I need to decide on what I want to play at this event. The 'official' event listings have not been announced yet (hopefully very soon), so I am basing my decisions on the events...

Hordes: Minions Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Unit)

Last night it was time for some more Minions and my Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew hit the painting table. Again, once I started on these models I just kept on going and next thing I knew they were almost done. This is one of the main reasons why I like WM/H so much in regards to the painting, most of...

February 22, 2016

Hordes: Minions Saxon Orrick (Solo)

It was a slow weekend for painting for me, only was able to get this 1 model completed (although I was able to get 2 games in on Friday night).  Saxon Orrick is another Solo that I need for my Khador Butcher 3 list (down to 17 models to get that list completed). Saturday night my son and I...

February 19, 2016

WM: Mercenaries Madelyne Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan (Solo)

There is something about painting Warmachine/Hordes miniatures that I really enjoy about them, especially the Solo's. I think it is because most of the models are unique. When I paint a Solo, each miniature feels like a centerpiece and time can be spent just on that one model. Coming from the 'rank...