Once again it is that time of the year where us blogger's get to recap what we did or did not accomplish for the year. I actually kind of enjoy writing these posts along with the first post of the new year for my goals.2016 started with a "What's in store for 2016" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review.Bolt Action2016Painting Goal: None at the moment.Gaming Goal: Play at least...
December 21, 2016
December 20, 2016
Daily Chronicle: Shaking Off The Dust (Again)
Yea I know, I am always shaking of the dust. I go in spurts when it comes to wargaming. I enjoy so many hobbies, but can usually only concentrate on one at a time. Now that I back up North in the frozen tundra, the winter months keeps me from cycling outdoors, so it's time to get back to an indoor hobby.A...
June 26, 2016
WM: Khador Behemoth 'new sculpt' (Warjack)

Back to a little Warmachine with my Khador army. One of the perks of attending an event like Lock & Load is that Privateer Press sells models in their store that have yet been released to the public. Seeing that I knew I was going to be spending a lot of money on MKIII items, I was not planning...
June 23, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide (Solo)

Picked up Janissa Stonetide from a friend last weekend who was selling off some of his models. I had this model on my list of models needed for my Doomie 1 list and while I was at Lock & Load, I forgot to pick it up. Glad he was selling her and I picked her up for $6. She had a little paint on...
June 22, 2016
Hordes: Minions Blind Walker (Warbeast)

This past Sunday was Father's Day and my oldest son actually got me a present this year. I usually do not expect anything from my three boys (since when I want something I go out and buy it myself), but it was nice to actually receive something this year. Seeing how my oldest is into Warmachine/Hordes...
June 20, 2016
Daily Chronicle: 'Lock & Load 2016 Recap'

I know this a few days late, but I thought I'd go ahead and write a quick recap of 'Lock & Load 2016' which took place the weekend of June 10th-12th in Bellevue, WA. along with a small photo dump. For my son and I, this was the first 'Lock & Load' we attended. We attended the LVO back...
June 5, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Dire Troll Blitzer (Warbeast)

Two months since a model hit this blog, that's pretty bad. But when you have as many hobbies as I do you need to priortize (plus lately I have been pretty lazy, my mind has been concentrating on house hunting out of state). Since Privateer Press's 'Lock & Load' is next weekend (and my son and...
April 3, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Dire Troll Bomber (Warbeast)

Well the batteries in the painting machine seem to have faded in the month of March, but during the last week of the month I was able to get my Trollbloods Dire Troll Bomber on the painting table. I did not get him finished in March, but he will be the first model for April. I was able to get...
March 11, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Captain Gunnbjorn (Warlock)

My first Warlock for my Trollbloods army is now complete. I have been slowly working in Captain Gunnbjorn throughout the week, and last night I was able to finish him up. I still have a lot of models to complete for my 2 50 point lists, and in all honsestly do not think they will be finished by...
March 7, 2016
Hordes: Minions Croak Raiders (Unit)

Nothing special with this Unit, these guys were truly just 'speed painted' so I can get them done and have 2 full 50 point lists for my Minions. At least now I am ready for Lock & Load Masters with at least my Gators. My plan is still to complete my Trollbloods for this event, but it will...
March 2, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar (Unit)

I am finally quite happy on how the skin turned out on my Trollbloods. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am still trying to figure out the skin tone for this army. I think with these guys I am satisfied and will be using this technique going forward on the rest of my Trollbloods. I know it is...
February 28, 2016
Hordes: Trollbloods Pyg Bushwhackers (Unit)

Painting my Trollbloods started back up last week. I have a lot to paint if I want to get this army ready for the Master's Tournament at the 2016 Lock & Load in June. I am hoping this army will be done in time, but do not want to rush them. I am still working on the way I want the skin to...
February 24, 2016
Daily Chronicle: 'Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, What Lists For 2016 Lock & Load'

We are a little over 3 months away from the Privateer Press 2016 Lock & Load Gamefest (June 10-12) in Bellevue, WA and I need to decide on what I want to play at this event.
The 'official' event listings have not been announced yet (hopefully very soon), so I am basing my decisions on the events...
Hordes: Minions Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Unit)

Last night it was time for some more Minions and my Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew hit the painting table. Again, once I started on these models I just kept on going and next thing I knew they were almost done. This is one of the main reasons why I like WM/H so much in regards to the painting, most of...
February 22, 2016
Hordes: Minions Saxon Orrick (Solo)

It was a slow weekend for painting for me, only was able to get this 1 model completed (although I was able to get 2 games in on Friday night). Saxon Orrick is another Solo that I need for my Khador Butcher 3 list (down to 17 models to get that list completed). Saturday night my son and I...
February 19, 2016
WM: Mercenaries Madelyne Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan (Solo)

There is something about painting Warmachine/Hordes miniatures that I really enjoy about them, especially the Solo's. I think it is because most of the models are unique. When I paint a Solo, each miniature feels like a centerpiece and time can be spent just on that one model. Coming from the 'rank...
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