October 26, 2009

W40K: Imperial Guard "TAP"

This past Friday UPS shows up at my door with my The War Store order for my The Army Painter supplies. Looks like I'll be painting for the weekend.The colors that I had ordered are going to be perfect for our "Desert Theme" we are trying to accomplish for the AdeptiCon W40K Team Tournament. Each team...

October 21, 2009

The Army Painter: Part 2

So yesterday afternoon I decided to place my order with The War Store for some "The Army Painter" supplies so I can finally start working on my Imperial Guard. Once the "Brown Fur" primer is available I will also order that for my new Skaven Army.I ended up ordering the "Desert Yellow" Primer, "Strong Tone" Quick Shade, and "Anti Shine" Matte Varnish. As soon as it comes in I'll be priming the Imperial...

October 19, 2009

The Army Painter

While in Phoenix, AZ for the Wild West Shootout this past weekend I was able to meet up with some friends on Friday night at Empire Games during their Mercenary Market (flee market) and one of my friends mentioned to me a new product called "The Army Painter"."The Army Painter" is basically a "dipping"...

October 18, 2009

W40K: Wild West Shootout Day 2

Day 2 of the WWS 2009 has now come to the conclusion and I wanted to say that I had a blast this weekend. This is the first time I can say that I had 5 fun games. I hope all my opponent's can say the same.Well, I did not take the "Murphy's Luck" award for last place, I did manage to get a win in Game #4.Onto the recaps.Game 4: vs Brad N (Space Wolves)This mission was a "top secret" mission and was...

W40K: Wild West Shootout Day 1

Well Day 1 of the Wild West Shootout 2009 is in the books and I am not one to write up great battle reports, but here is a quick recap of my first three games.Game 1: vs. Chris A (Chaos Space Marines)Chris is a good friend of mine from when I lived there in Phoenix. It was really nice to be able to...

October 16, 2009

W40K: Wild West Shootout 2009

Well yesterday afternoon I boarded the plane and headed back 'home' to Phoenix (yes I'm calling Phoenix home, I really love it here..... maybe in the future we might be back) for the W40K Wild West Shootout 2009 presented by Battlefoam.I was deciding between 2 different armies to bring. My good 'ole' trustworthy Dark Angels that I have been playing for 6 years or my sons new Salamanders army that...

October 12, 2009

WFB: Bugman's Holiday Bash! 2009

A good friend of mine and myself will be throwing a Warhammer Fantasy Battles tournament Saturday December 5th, 2009 at the Chicago Battle Bunker.For more information and registration, please visit http://www.iwfb....

October 9, 2009

WFB: Dwarf War Machines

Finished my Dwarf Canon last night along with 2 Organ Guns. One of the Organ Guns I just touched up a bit. I thought I'd be able to get to some of the Crew also, but did not so. I was able to get them primed. When I get back from our weekend trip to Dells, I'll start on them. Maybe get them at...

October 8, 2009

WFB: Play-test Core Comp List

Last night I got to play-test my Dwarf Core Comp list against my good friend Chris W. As always Chris gave me a good beat down. But it was good time. I do not mind losing anymore. A few years ago I changed my mentality of wargaming and I just play for fun, win or lose. It is all about throwing...

October 7, 2009

WFB: Dwarf Hammerers

So last night I finished my unit of Dwarf Hammerers. It's nowhere near any of my best work, but for rank-n-file figures, they look decent. To be able to finish these guys in two days is a big accomplishment for myself. I have not painted rank-n-file in over 3 years.Now I have a unit of (10) Miners...

WFB: Empire Warrior Priest

I thought I had posted a picture of my Empire Warrior Priest that I finished last April for AdeptiCon 2009, but I guess I didn't. I really enjoy painting the single character figures. It allows me to actually blend some paint together to achieve some nice highlights.I'm really happy on how he turned...

October 5, 2009

WFB: Dwarfs are based (Core Comp list)

I finished basing the Dwarfs for my Core Comp list this weekend. I haven't painted that much in a long time. Now its time to finish the unit of Hammerers, unit of Miners and Crew for the Organ Gun and one Bolt Thrower. I base coated the Hammerers last night. Hopefully I'll get those done before I head off the Phoenix for the "Wild West Shootout" in 10 days.Here is what I based (re-based this weekend)1...

October 3, 2009

Back in the saddle (so to speak)

Well it's been awhile since I wrote anything, let alone paint anything. I've painted a few items for my son's 40K Salamander's army, but nothing alot (just a couple Attack Bikes and a few Assault Marines).It's finally time to get back up on the horse (it's not like I was just sitting on the couch doing nothing, all my free time has been going to the gym. Since we got back from vacation in July,...