January 29, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV III'

The final 'Primaris Invader ATV' of three that I completed this week, this one is identical to I and II.Some people joked about this model when it was first previewed, saying that it looks a lot like Mario Cart, but I actually think the model looks pretty cool and fills a nice role for my army, anything...

January 28, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV II'

Today is the second of three 'Primaris Invader ATVs' completed for my Imperial Fists army.How do I know that this is #2 in the Squad?  If you look to the right of the main gun and down a bit, you will see three markings on the ATV, they are painted yellow for which number it is.  Here is a...

January 27, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Invader ATV I'

Well I was able to work on my 'Primaris Invader ATVs' this week (I did get on start on them over the past weekend) and I am happy to say that they are all completed.Here is the first of three 'Primaris Invader ATV I', both weapon options were painted in case I eventually do want to swap them around.Primaris...

January 25, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #4

Week #3 was a pretty good week as we continue to roll into week #4 of 2021.I am happy with what I finished for painting last week, I completed both of my 'Primaris Impulsors' I and II, and I also started on the next models for my Imperial Fists army, three 'Primaris Invader ATVs'.  I am not sure...

January 21, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Impulsor II'

I obviously painted 'Primaris Impulsor I' at the same time as 'Primaris Impulsor II' since it is posted the day after.I am glad that both of these models are now completed and I can move onto other projects (been busy building Kharadron Overlords for Warhammer Age of Sigmar).  I am not really sure...

January 20, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Impulsor I'

The backlog of grey plastic is not really too bad, at least for my Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40,000, let's not get started on everything else, nonetheless I do still want to get as much of it completed this year as I can.Even though my Imperial Fists like to stand back and shoot and then capture...

January 18, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #3

This past week was pretty busy assembling models for my new Warhammer Age of Sigmar "Kharadron Overlords", I wanted to have at least 500 points ready for the weekend (and then some).I did manage to get 2 models completed and posted to the site, but that was for DC Universe Miniature Game with 'Krypto'...

January 15, 2021

January 14, 2021

DCU: Krypto [JL]

For Black Friday I placed a fairly decent sized order with Knight Models and when placing an order with them, Knight Models were including 'Krypto' for free.My order finally arrived from them not long ago, and I thought 'Krypto' would be a good model for me to test the Citadel Contrast "Apothecary White",...

January 12, 2021

AoS: Diving Into Age of Sigmar

I told myself many many years ago I would not be getting in Age of Sigmar (AoS), but I also said the same thing about returning to Warhammer 40,000, and here I am.Even before Games Workshop killed off the Old World in place of Age of Sigmar, the rank and file game of Warhammer Fantasy started to die...

January 11, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #2

Last week was pretty good for me...  I ended up completely 4 Heroes for my "Survivors of Lake-town / Halls of Thranduil" army list with 'Bard', 'Legolas', 'Tauriel' and 'Bilbo Baggins', which only leaves me the Warrior models for that list.For gaming, my son arrived back from AZ late Saturday...

January 8, 2021

MeSBG: 'Bilbo Baggins Master Burgler'

Today marks the end of MeSBG week for me, and it was a pretty decent week.  With today's model, I already painted 2x the number of models I painted last year.On Wednesday afternoon my package of "Champions of Erebor" arrived, so right away I had to open it up and start prepping 'Bilbo Baggins...

January 7, 2021

MeSBG: 'Tauriel'

The second Hero I completed for my "Halls of Thranduil" alliance is 'Tauriel'.Just like with 'Legolas' yesterday, 'Tauriel' is the plastic version of her model.Now that is all that is left for the "Halls of Thranduil" alliance is 20 'Mirkwood Rangers', not sure when those will be hitting the painting...

January 6, 2021

MeSBG: 'Legolas Greenleaf'

Continuing with my Hobbit week, I am working on my Heroes for my "Halls of Thranduil" alliance and today I have 'Legolas Greenleaf'.Games Workshop does make two different kits for 'Legolas' and 'Tauriel', an older kit which is made out of resin and 'Legolas' is wielding Orcist, and a slightly newer...

January 5, 2021

MeSBG: 'Bard the Bowman on Foot'

As I mentioned in yesterday's Weekly Chronicle, this week is going to be for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game.A month or so ago, I re-watched the Hobbit Trilogy of movies (first time since seeing them in the theaters) and the urge to play a Hobbit force in MeSBG really hit me.  I enjoyed the...

January 4, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #1

The first Weekly Chronicle for 2021!There was no gaming to be played (hopefully this Sunday) this past week a my son is still out of town, but plenty of work continued on assembling models and getting them prepped for painting.On Saturday I posted the first model completed for 2021 which was a 'Stormhawk...

January 2, 2021

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Stormhawk Interceptor I'

What a great way to start of 2021! Having completed a new model for my Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40,000.Back in November while we spent a weekend gaming in Wisconsin, we decided to stop at the Warhammer store in Madison.  While there they had a 'Stormhawk Interceptor' Flyer, and I grabbed...

January 1, 2021

What's in store for 2021!

Happy New Year 2021!Today is the day where I get to use my psychic powers and predict my gaming trends for 2021.Yesterday I posted my "2020 Year in Review" and today we shall see what stays on the list and what is going away and if there are any new additions.Arena RexArena Rex is going to stay on the...