December 31, 2019

2019 Year in Review

As always, the two blog posts I enjoy writing the most each year, the first one is my "What's in store for" (next year), and the second one is my "Year in Review". 2019 started with a "What's in store for 2019" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review. Arena Rex 2019 Painting...

December 30, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #52

Well, this is the final Weekly Chronicle of 2019, #52 and at least I was able to savage some of the week this past weekend. I was able to get a 'Primaris Librarian' completed for my Imperial Fists over the weekend, and also yesterday my son and I got in a game of Warhammer 40K, testing out our halves...

December 29, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Librarian I'

I had a different Unit I was prepping next on my painting table, but the other day I felt like I wanted to get in one more model for 2019, more than likely this is probably going to be my last model painted this year. As of now, I do not need this model in my 1000 point or 1500 point lists (thought...

December 24, 2019

BMG: 3rd Edition Rules Available Now!

I woke up this morning to an early Christmas present from Knight Models.  KM has decided to release the rules for Batman Miniature Game today and they are available on the KM website under the Downloads section, or click HERE. I took a quick look at some of the rules (I still prefer thumbing...

December 23, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #51

This past Saturday was a slight change of pace and my son and I got in a game of Guild Ball, it actually has been a pretty long time since I last played, and we got to break open the new Game Plan cards and try them for the first time.  My Cook's Guild lost to the Alchemist's 4-12, but it was...

December 20, 2019

Guild Ball: New FAQ 12/20/2019

It has been a long time since I had two Guild Ball related posts in one day, but SFG today released an updated FAQ for Guild Ball.  I guess with the new releases of Captains, they wanted to get some questions answered about Soma/Pneuma. You can find the FAQ on the SFG website under Resources,...

Guild Ball: Third Wave of Captains Released

Today the final 3 new Captains for Guild Ball have been officially released.  They have been up for pre-order on Steamforged Games website the last two weeks, but today is release day. I held out on the pre-order through SFG, but today decided to make an order through Discount Games, it will...

December 17, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Tactical Squad II'

Imperial Fists 'Tactical Squad II' is basically an exact copy of 'Squad I' that was completed last week.  I took the standard Space Marine Tactical Squad box and divided it by two and added a Heavy Bolter to make them each 6 man Units. As of now this Unit is not needed for any immediate lists,...

December 16, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #50

It was a pretty quiet week for #50, but at least some models did get completed.  My first Unit of 'Tactical Squad' Marines for my Imperial Fists were finished and just about finished my second Unit (should be posted tomorrow). In gaming, this week only saw my son and I play a new game called...

December 12, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Tactical Squad I'

Yes, they are not the latest, coolest, models for Space Marines but instead a classic and I wanted to have some models available as point fillers for some lists.  I wanted to have some variety in collecting my Imperial Fists and some kind of theme (Bolters), so I thought the Tactical Squads would...

December 9, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #49 (AdeptiCon Registration Is Open)

As the title of the blog states, registration for AdeptiCon is now OPEN! but first a quick recap of the following week. My son and I were able to get in a small 500 point game of Warhammer 40K in yesterday afternoon, just for the sake of time, for now we are keeping the points really low and just...

December 7, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Scouts with Sniper Rifles II'

Well it looks like I did manage to get my second Unit of 'Scouts with Sniper Rifles' completed this week.  Making progress towards my 1500/2000 point lists, that is good. My next Unit I am prepping for the painting table is actually a light detour from my 1500/2000 point list, and instead a...

December 5, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Scouts with Sniper Rifles I'

I was able to get some more work done on my Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40000 with my first Unit of 'Scouts with Sniper Rifles'.  I have two of these Units in both my 1500 and 2000 point armies.  I am also working on a 1000 point list just in case we get into the AdeptiCon 40K Team...

December 4, 2019

Daily Chronicle: Game Plus Products Flagship Gaming Bag

After 15+ years with my Sabol Army Transport bag for my Black Templars, the straps which are attached to the bag are deteriorating, so it was time to shop around for a new bag and or foam.  It was also a good time as I needed a new bag and foam for my Imperial Fists army. My first thought...

December 3, 2019

Guild Ball: New Season 4 'Game Plan Deck' Arrived

Yesterday afternoon my new Season 4 'Game Plan Deck' had arrived from Steamforged Games.  The new deck was officially released this past Friday, but SFG shipped them out a bit earlier to have them try and arrive on time (which is great).  With US Customs I knew it would not arrive by Friday,...

December 2, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #48

Wow, December is already here and the final month of 2019. Painting has been a little slow lately, but it has not been a stand still which is good.  I have a healthy backlog of models, and once I know what events I will be playing in AdeptiCon 2020, I can kick it up a notch and get more completed. ...