November 28, 2017

Daily Chronicle: AdeptiCon 2018 Registration

I have been so busy the last two weeks with my other hobby, that I forgot to mention AdeptiCon 2018 Registration went live Friday night November 17th, 2017.Luckily I used a calendar reminder on my phone and I jumped on registration as soon as it went live.  I am glad I did, one of...

Hordes: Minions Dracodile Pre-Order

The deadline to pre-order the new Hordes Minions Dracodile is fast approaching.  The deadline is December 1st, 2017 and if you pre-order by then you will also receive a Black Anchor Heavy Industries t-shirt for free.  Black Anchor Heavy Industries is a new sister company to Prvateer Press...

November 15, 2017

Guild Ball: Hunter’s Guild ‘Egret’

I have been a little sidetracked lately with another project of mine, but I finally got around to finish up another model for my son’s Hunters Guild.  I have 5 of the 6 models now completed that he gave me to paint, the last one left being the second Captain ‘Skatha’.  Today we have a...

November 13, 2017

Daily Chronicle: SteamCon Swag Box

Steamforged Games announced over the weekend the contents of the SteamCon Swag Box.  SteamCon UK is taking place this weekend November 17th-19th and SteamCon USA will be December 1st-3rd (Chicago area).I have not gotten in a game of Guild Ball in quite awhile, but I am looking forward to SteamCon....

November 10, 2017

Guild Ball: The Union in Chains - Week Five - Results

We are heading into the final weekend to get results in for The Union in Chains (besides games that will also be played at SteamCon UK).  The last day to record any games is Monday November 13th.This past week, the Engineer’s Guild really turned things around.  I guess the Guild really wants...

November 6, 2017

Guild Ball: Hunter’s Guild ‘Ulfr’

I have to admit, I am starting to slack a little on the Hunter’s Guild models for my son.  This past weekend I got a little side tracked with a model railroading project that I am working on in my basement (nothing to elaborate, just something for the top of my bar).  Anyway’s last week I...

November 3, 2017

Guild Ball: The Union in Chains - Week Four - Results

It is the end of week 4 for The Union in Chains and some of the match ups are getting really really close.  There is not much more time to get games recorded.  Next week, Week 5 will be the final week (plus games played at SteamCon UK) will decide the fate of the Veteran players.  I really...

November 2, 2017

Guild Ball: SNEAK PEEK Old Father’s Harvest, The Farmer's Guild

A sneak peek image of the next Farmer’s Guild box set popped on Twitter late yetsterday afternoon and the estimated street date is early January 2018.  I am really hopping that this box will be an early release at SteamCom USA at the beginning of December.  Either case, I know what models...

November 1, 2017

Guild Ball: Sing When You’re Winning, The Brewer's Guild

It’s the start of a new month, so I thought I’d better get a post in.  Last Friday October 20th, Steamforged Games released the newest set of 6 models and this time it was for the Brewer’s Guild.  It seemed to be a farely quiet release for them (probably with getting ready for both SteamCon’s...