February 28, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Mortar Team'

With the weekend approaching and wanting to get some games in against my son, I decided to paint a small unit for him last night so I know it would be done in time.  In his list of models, he has a 'Mortar Team'.  I knew I was going to be able to get this unit done last night for tabletop...

February 27, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Command'

You cannot have a 'Reinforced Platoon' without a Command in Bolt Action, so the next group of guys for the US Army were the Command models.  1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant and 2 Soldiers with SMG's to accompany them.  The US Army Command package also came with a Medic, but we'll get to him some...

February 26, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Regular Infantry Squad 2'

Just like Squad 1 that was completed last week, Squad 2 is an exact copy (actually 3 & 4 will eventually be the same also).  My son and I built each squad to be 12 men; 1 NCO w/SMG, 2 BAR's, and 9 Riflemen.  He usually plays the squads as late war infantry with 11 men, and by building...

February 24, 2014

Gathering in the Desert 2014: Recap

Gathering in the Desert February 22nd-23rd, 2014 This past weekend was Gathering in the Desert 2014 and it was hosted at Imperial Outpost Games.  GitD originally started back in 2008 as a 'Lord of the Rings' tournament with the final LotR event taking place in 2012.  Tim K the organizer...

February 21, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Heavy Machine Gun Team'

With the big Bolt Action tournament this weekend, 'Gathering in the Desert', I did not want to start on a large unit and leave it unfinished on my table over the weekend.  So I decided the other night to start on the 'US Heavy Machine Gun Team' knowing I would be able to complete it in time. While...

February 19, 2014

Bolt Action: United States 'Regular Infantry Squad 1'

"JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring that a state of war exists between the Imperial Government of Japan and the Government and the people of the United States and making provisions to prosecute the same.Whereas the Imperial Government of Japan has committed unprovoked acts of war against the Government and...

February 18, 2014

Battle Foam: M2 Bag 'Bolt Action'

Last week I placed an order with Battle Foam for a new bag and foam trays for my Bolt Action armies.  It turns out that Battle Foam has an agreement with Warlord Games and makes custom bags just for them.  Yesterday afternoon I received word that my bag was ready to be picked up. The Battle...

February 17, 2014

Battle Report: 2/16/2014 Bolt Action 'Soviet Union vs United States'

Seeing how this coming weekend I will be playing in a Bolt Action tournament 'Gathering in the Desert', I thought that I should probably get a few games in to actually learn the game.  My Soviet Union army was finally painted, and my sons United States army was assembled, so we decided to yesterday...

February 15, 2014

Bolt Action: 1,000PT United States 'Starter Army'

My son's United States States 1000 points Starter Army is now assembled.  I was trying to get them assembled as soon as I can so tomorrow my son and I can get in a few practice games. Next week I will probably start to get these guys painted.  I'll still let him play with them as an unfinished...