June 29, 2020

Weekly Chronicle 2020 #26 (Half Way Through The Year)

Week #26 already, and that means we are half way through 2020, half way..... and I think I am behind on any goals that I had set at the beginning of the year, let's take a quick look.

Arena Rex: 0/5 Games
BMG: 0/? Games
DCU: 2/? Games
Guild Ball: 0/20 Games
MeSBG: 2/1 Games
Warhammer 40K: 18/30 Games
X-Wing: 6/6 Games

It looks like the two most played games Warhammer 40K and X-Wing are right on schedule (even with missing quite a few games with AdeptiCon being cancelled).  To be honest those are probably going to be the only two games we play the rest of the year (on a regular basis), the others will probably see a one off every now and then.  9th Edition Warhammer 40K will most likely be coming out the end of next month so the excitement of the new edition will keep us going into 2021.

Painting Points for the year are a little off also.  I started the year (1st Quarter) pretty good, but the 2nd Quarter I am way off.  The reason being that during the 1st Quarter I was trying to get my models ready for AdeptiCon 2020, and I succeeded in completing what I needed too.  Then the event was cancelled and most of the future events also, so I had nothing pushing me (getting me excited) to paint, so it was an occasional model hear and there.  I do have two additional Warhammer 40K armies I can on work on now (Tyranids and Chaos) so those models will see some painting table time later this year.

On to this past week...nothing was painted and one game of X-Wing was played yesterday afternoon.  Instead of playing "Hyperspace" like we have been recently, we decided to get in a game of "Extended' (all ships/cards allowed).  I was trying out a new Scum list that I have never flown before.

Laetin A'shera + Crack Shot + Tractor Beam (Proxy Ship)
Serissu + Crack Shot + Tractor Beam (Proxy Ship)
Cartel Marauder + Contraband Cybernetics
Cartel Marauder + Contraband Cybernetics
Cartel Marauder + Contraband Cybernetics

My son was flying Anakin/Obi Wan and a ARC 170 from Clone Wars.

The 2 "Tractor Beams" really helped out early in the game and 'Obi Wan' went down real quick, next the concentration was applied on 'Anakin' and finally on the 'ARC 170' while only losing 1/2 points on one 'Carter Marauder'.

This coming weekend is a Holiday weekend here in the USA, but my son has a pretty busy work schedule for the weekend so I am not sure how much gaming will get in.  I am hoping for at least one more game of X-Wing and we need another practice game of 1850 Points of Warhammer 40K to still prep for Buckeye Battles.

Models Completed: 0 
Games Played: 1


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