January 28, 2015

Daily Chronicle: 1/28/2015 'Updated Painting Queue'

It has been awhile since I last wrote a 'Daily Chronicle', and since I will be heading out of town tomorrow for two weeks, I thought I'd do a quick post. I haven't painted anything also in quite some time and I could not leave a new month, new year unpainted.  Seeing how I recently gotten a...

January 27, 2015

D&D 5E: Hoard of the Dragon Queen 1/25/2015

Episode 6: Castle Naerytar  / Episode 7: The Hunting Lodge The first thing we had to take care of today was getting our Cleric and Fighter conscious again.  Being a Level 5 Ranger, I had still had two spell slots remaining and one of my spells is Cure Wounds.  I quickly cast that...

January 23, 2015

Bolt Action: Errata and FAQ Updated 01/21/2015

Alessio Cavatore and Warlord Games have just updated the Errata and FAQ for Bolt Action. You can download the latest version here: Besides addressing their new Theater books and special named characters, they made a few core changes to the game. Here are some of the key changes and clarification: Errata: Flamethrower...

January 21, 2015

X-Wing: Arizona Store Championships (Winter 2015)

Well it is that time of year for the Winter X-Wing Store Championship season here in Arizona.  Below is a list of the current stores, dates, and times of their events (special thanks goes out to the 'Phoenix Squadron' for this list.) January 29th 2015, 6:00 PM: Tucson Gadget and Games (Tucson) January...

D&D 5E: Hoard of the Dragon Queen 1/18/2015

Episode 6: Castle Naerytar continued Today's adventure has us continuing to search through the castle to find more clues about the Cult of the Dragon Queen.  We had two encounters today, so not much exploring was done.  From where we left off last week, we headed upstairs to the 3rd floor...

January 17, 2015

Battle Report: W40K 1/16/2015

Yes, you read the post title correctly, a battle report for Warhammer 40K.  The last time I played a game of Warhammer 40K (W40K) was just about 2 years ago with my friend Gyan.  We were just learning the rules for 6th Edition.  So I have only played 1 game in the last 5 years.  7th...

January 14, 2015

Battle Foam: X-Wing Wave 4, Large Ships, Huge Ships

The foam I ordered from Battle Foam for our added X-Wing miniatures was finally ready to be picked up today (2 weeks from order to pickup).  I sent my son this morning to pick it up so later today/tomorrow we can finally put away the new ships. I think with these added foam trays, we may need...

January 12, 2015

D&D 5E: Hoard of the Dragon Queen 1/11/2015

Episode 6: Castle Naerytar Continuing from where we left off, our adventuring party was now approaching Castle Naerytar.  We dismembarked from our canoes and started to make our way towards the castle.  We were approached by some Lizardfolk and talked our way into having them show us...

January 11, 2015

Battle Report: X-Wing 1/10/2015

With the 'Store Championship' season quickly approaching for X-Wing, 'Dark Knight' and I got in another 100 point game in yesterday afternoon.  I wanted to test out a Rebel list that I played once before and wanted to see how it did again.  I know we will more than likely be attending one...

LotR-LCG 'Journey Down the Anduin'

Date: 1/10/2015 Quest: Journey Down the Andun Number of Players: 2 Heroes Player 1: Eowyn, Dwalin, Dunhere Heroes Player 2: Legolas, Gimli, Thalin Result: Success Score: 148 Quest Mode: Easy After four attempts at 'Jouney Down the Anduin' my son and I finally completed the quest...

January 7, 2015

X-Wing Goodies

It feels like it must be Christmas.... Oh wait it is.  Being Eastern Orthodox, today is Christmas for my family and I.  So of course I had to add some X-Wing goodies for my oldest son and I.  I decided to finally add some of the Huge ships we were missing, and to duplicate some of our...

January 4, 2015

X-Wing: Z-95 Headhunter #4

I had forgotten to mention the other day that while we were at Desert Sky Games on New Year's Day playing Dungeons & Dragons, my son and I decided to add another Z-95 Headhunter Expansion to our collection.  This will make ship #4 for the Z-95's. I decided to slowly build these ships up...

Battle Report: 1/3/2015 X-Wing

My son (Dark Knight) and I (Arrow) played our first game of X-Wing for 2015 last night and it was brutal for the Galactic Empire. I wanted to try out a new version for me of a 'Han Shoots First' list, and my son elected to play with the Empire.  I was shocked, he always plays the Rebels and this...

January 3, 2015

LotR-LCG: 'Passage Through Mirkwood' (normal)

Date: 1/2/2015 Quest: Passage Through Mirkwood Number of Players: 2 Heroes Player 1: Legolas, Gimli, Thalin Heroes Player 2: Aragorn, Gloin, Theodred Result: Success Score: 116 Quest Mode: Normal Later in the evening yesterday my son and I attempted to replay 'Passage Through Mirkwood' in 'normal'...

January 2, 2015

LotR-LCG: 'Passage Through Mirkwood' (easy mode)

Date: 1/2/2015 Quest: Passage Through Mirtkwood Number of Players: 2 Heroes Player 1: Legolas, Gimli, Thalin Heroes Player 2: Aragorn, Gloin, Theodred Result: Success Score: 169 Quest Mode: Easy My son and I just completed our first quest for the Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.  Seeing how...

D&D 5E: Hoard of the Dragon Queen 1/1/2015

In yesterday's blog post I mentioned I am going to include some of the other games I/we are playing like Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.  Seeing how we are a couple months into the adventure I will just continue these going forward instead of catching the blog back up.  I will try...

January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! What's in store for 2015

First off to any readers out there, I would like to wish a Happy New Year 2015! As you can notice, I spent some time last night going back to a simplified template for Blogger.  I still have some work I need to continue on it today/tomorrow.  One reaon going back to simplified was...