December 23, 2009

December 17, 2009

W40K: IG Leman Russ Executioner Part 2

Here is Part 2 of my Leman Russ Executioner. As I stated earlier, I got impatient on the drying time of the "dip" and attempted to Matte spray the vehicle before 24 hours. Well that was a mistake. Some of the "dip" started to bubble on top and made the vehicle look awful. I ended up sanding some...

December 16, 2009

December 15, 2009

W40K: IG Leman Russ Executioner Part 1

As stated in the post below, I started assembling my Leman Russ Executioner this past weekend. Again, what a breeze!. Well last night we started painting the Russ. The vehicle got completed this morning with all of the basecoat colors and I applied the "dip" on the bottom-side of the vehicle. The...

December 13, 2009

W40K: Imperial Guard Leman Russ Executioner

In my 1000 point W40K list for the Adepticon Team Tournament, I will be running the new Leman Russ Executioner.Today I got a chance to sit down and assemble this new model. I have never built any of the older Leman Russ variant models, but I have already built 4 Chimera's and was not too please with...

December 12, 2009

WFB: Wood Elves Glade Guard

Saturday night I was also able to complete my son's first unit of Glade Guard Archers. I have 3 Units of 10 that I also need to complete for him. His Wood Elves army is already painted with the older figures. We are slowly replacing those with the newer models. Some of the older models will stay...

WFB: Dark Elves Warriors with Repeater Crossbows

As promised, here are a couple pictures of my recently completed Dark Elves Warriors with Repeater Crossbows. I have 3 Units of 10 completely finished for my army.BTW, I was able to get my first 1500 point game with the Dark Elves today. We were only able to complete 3 Turns due to time constraints....

December 10, 2009

Dark Elves First Game Postponed

After getting all excited about trying out my Dark Elves, packing them all up in their foam trays, loading up the car....... we head out to the Battle Bunker last night, and the sign says "Closed due to bad weather".... ah come on! it was only a few inches of snow...... If I can make it with Arizona plates still on my car, everyone else can........The night was not a total loss, since I was already...

December 9, 2009

WFB: Dark Elves Assembled (well almost)

So after Bugman's Bash this past Saturday, I got real itchy on wanting to get my Dark Elves assembled so I can finally give them a whirl. Low and behold, finished them all last night. I still have to place an order this weekend to get my 9 Harpies. That's all that is left for my 2250 pt list.Assembling the Hydra looked scary, but it actually was not too bad. I used a "rock" to help prop one of...

December 6, 2009

Bugman's Holiday Bash 2009!

Bugman's Holiday Bash 2009 a WFB Tournament was this past Saturday and it was a great time. I wanted to thank everyone that attended and all the toys that were donated for "Toys for Tots". We received a lot more toys than expected. We had a few last minute drops, but still was able to have 22 in...

December 3, 2009

WFB: Dark Elves

Since I really love the way my Imperial Guard are looking using the "dip" method from "The Army Painter", I decided yesterday that I will also use this for my Dark Elves army. Over the past year I have been slowly purchasing the models for my army. I am just a Hydra and 7 Black Guard away from having a 2250 point list.In my list I will have 3x10 units of Warrior Crossbowmen. Started 2 of these...

December's Agenda

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Yep, December is already here.Let's keep this month as real as possible. With the Holidays coming up and visiting family, not sure how much will get done.So here is what I'd like to get done for the month.W40K:Imperial Guard1. Finish priming the rest of my Troops for my 1750 point list.2. Get 3 more Foot Troop units painted (24 guys). This will have all my...

Catching Up!

I know, I'm a bad blogger!!!!! November was not a total waste, I did get some things done.First lets start with my WFB Dwarfs. I did finish everything I wanted to for them in order to compete in the "Core Competency" (even the Miners). "Core Competency" was the weekend of 11/14-11/15 5 games over 2 days. All I can say was that I had a blast. I did not care if I won a game (which I didnt.......