December 31, 2021

2021 Year in Review

As I always say each year, the two blog posts I enjoy writing the most are "What's in store for" (next year), and the second one is my "Year in Review".  2021 started with a "What's in store for 2021!" so we will use that post as basis for our year in review. Arena Rex 2021Painting Goal: None,...

December 27, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #52 (Final Week of 2021)

Here we are the final week of 2021, and it has been a pretty decent year so far.  COVID is still around not going away any time soon, but at least we are not locked down as much as we were in 2020.Nothing too exciting going on this week, I am prepping some models for painting for 2022 and getting...

December 16, 2021

W40K: Necrons 'Doom Scythe I'

This past Sunday I had chores I had to around the house, and in between those chores, I decided to also paint my 'Doom Scythe' Flyer that came in my Combat Patrol box.Next thing I now it is Sunday night, and the model was done (minus the base).  So come Monday I had to get the base finished so...

December 14, 2021

W40K: Necrons Battleforce 'Worldscour Legion''

For a few years now, Games Workshop has been releasing Battleforce boxes around the Holiday times, and this year was no different.With just starting a new army, I was very interested in seeing what was coming out.  Well low and behold, one of the boxes were for Necrons.  The "Worldscour Legion"...

December 13, 2021

Weekly Chronicle 2021 #50 (Battle Foam Arrived)

Each year during Black Friday, Battle Foam puts on a huge sale for their products (foam trays / bags) and with starting a new Necron army in October, I thought it would be a perfect time to take advantage of their sale and find a home for the Necrons.I have to admit, Battle Foam is not cheap, but they...

December 12, 2021

December 10, 2021

W40K: Necrons 'Technomancer I'

I am finally catching up my posts with my finished Necron models, and as of now I am done to the last 2 models, and I call these guys my "Techno Twins".I want to try a list that runs 2 'Technomancers' so multiple Units can benefit from their abilities, so while I was down in South Bend not long ago...

December 9, 2021

W40K: Necrons 'Deathmarks I'

In my recent purchases of my Necron army, one of the purchases was the Combat Patrol box because I was interested in the 'Overlord' that was included.I finally got around to some of the other models that were included.  The Combat Patrol box has the ability to model 10 'Immortals' or 10 'Deathmarks',...

December 8, 2021

W40K: Necrons 'Canoptek Wraiths I'

Up next is another Fast Attack Unit that recently have gotten better with the updated CORE keyword, and that is the 'Canoptek Wraiths'.For now I only have 3 of these models, but I look to add another 3 sometime in 2022.  These guys can Move 12", then they can Fall Back ad Charge again so that way...

December 7, 2021

W40K: Necrons 'Tomb Sentinel I'

Back in October at the Michigan GT 40,000 Friendly, I played against a Necron army (which is what really got me started with this army) and my opponent was playing a 'Tomb Sentinel' from Forgeworld (a division of Games Workshop).I really liked the look of this model, a gigantic robotic centipede model...

December 3, 2021

December 2, 2021

Daily Chronicle: Cruisehammer 2022 August 7th-14th

Last week I came across an event that I never knew had existed, the Cruisehammer event has been going on since 2016, but the last few years it has been cancelled due to COVID.So what is Cruisehammer 2022?"For those unfamiliar, Cruisehammer is a week-long adventure where you join us for either a Warhammer...

W40K: Necrons 'Warriors I'

It is finally time to get to some of the 'Necron Warriors' in the army.  The Indomitus box came with 20 of these models and I built them with Gauss Flayers for the 24" range.  I think the time I purchase more 'Warriors', they will be built with Gauss Reapers for the added Strength.Here if...