November 27, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Eliminators III'

Very similar to yesterdays 'Primaris Eliminators II', I have now completed my third and final Unit of Eliminators, 'Primaris Eliminators III'. The good news is that this Unit is needed in my 2000 point list, but not needed in my 1500 point list, but right after I finished the second Unit, I wanted...

November 26, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Eliminators II'

Now that Renegade Open is completed, I can move my concentration from Batman Miniature Game over o Warhammer 40000 for awhile. I have received all my models for my Imperial Fists 2000 point list (plus I picked up an extra box of Tactical Squad Marine in case I need point fillers later) and majority...

November 25, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #47 (Renegade Open Recap)

Last night my son and I arrived back from the 7th annual Renegade Open up in Minneapolis, MN.  Unfortunately the weekend did not go as planned for me, but at least it was 1/2 planned. Renegade Open was this past Friday-Sunday and our plans were to use Thursday and Sunday as travel days, and...

November 20, 2019

Daily Chronicle: ALPHA Game Table v4.0 By Firmer Terra

Now that my interest has gotten back into Warhammer 40000, playing larger games on my existing 4'x4' table is not going to work. When I first moved here to Michigan and setup my mancave, I had thought about purchasing a foldable gaming table and had actually looked in v1.0 of the ALPHA Game Table...

November 18, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #46 (Week Of Renegade Open)

In 4 days we will be leaving for the Renegade Open up in Minneapolis, Minnesota for one of the largest Batman Miniature Game tournaments ever and I believe I am all set for the event. We will be playing a smaller 250 Rep event on Friday, and the main event on Saturday is 350 Rep and there are close...

November 11, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #45 (AdeptiCon Event Schedule Preview)

Another week goes by (Week #45) and at least it was not as bad as the past few weeks.  Warhammer 40K seems to be my main concentration as I await the new rules for BMG (3rd Edition this Christmas).  The painting is not going as fast as I would like, but it is slowly getting there. ...

November 10, 2019

Daily Chronicle: GameCraft Miniatures Citadel Paint Rack

Now that I started painting Games Workshop figures again, I have slowly accumulated some of the Citadel paints.  While I was mainly painting WM/H, BMG and Guild Ball, I had stuck to the P3 line of paints but for my 40K figures, I do sometimes want to use the Citadel line. Instead of just having...

November 7, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Primaris Captain I'

In my 2000 point Imperial Fists army I am building, I am going to be running 2 Battalion Detachments, which means that I need 4 HQ models.  The purpose of this army to have a little variety with the newer models than what I had years past with my older armies, so a lot of Primaris models and...

November 6, 2019

Guild Ball: New Season 4 'Game Plan Deck' Coming Soon

Leodis Games, a local gaming store in the UK has posted up pre-orders for upcoming Guild Ball items releasing later this month on November 29th, and one of those items is the new 'Game Plan Deck' for Season 4. The new 'Game Plan Deck' will be a nice change since the current one has been around for...

November 5, 2019

W40K: Imperial Fists 'Redemptor Dreadnought I'

I finally finished another model, it has been a couple of weeks, but at least it is completed.  I picked up the 'Redemptor Dreadnought' at the Michigan GT this past month from one of the vendor tables, it did not come with a box or decals, but it was only priced at $50 which is a $15 savings...