June 30, 2019

Battle Report: BMG 6/29/2019 (Batman vs League of Assassins)

Wow, it has been 3 weeks since my last game of Batman Miniature Game, but yesterday afternoon my son and I were able to get in a game, and it was Magical.  It was the first time either of us were going to play with Crews that had a Character that could do Magic.  My son was playing 'John...

June 29, 2019

BMG: Bane (Rebirth) [Bane]

I have been falling behind a bit on my painting compared to two weeks ago, but I did manage to paint the big guy himself, 'Bane' (Rebirth) from the "Bane: Venom Overdrive" Bat-Box. I still have two more Henchman from this Bat-Box that needs to be prepped and primed, and honestly I am not sure when...

June 25, 2019

BMG: Support Op (Dolph Wolf) [Bane]

A third Henchman is now completed from the "Bane: Venom Overdrive" Bat-Box, and today we have 'Support Op' (Dolph Wolf). I have not had time yet to prep the remaining 2 Henchman, hopefully tonight I can get them primed and ready for the painting table. Support Op Painting Points:...

June 24, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #25

Week #25 for 2019 was a so-so week for  me.  For painting, I was able to get 4 models posted for the Batman Miniature Game with just a couple ready for this week (I did fall a little behind this week). In gaming news, only one game was played this Friday night, X-Wing (no Battle Report). ...

June 21, 2019

BMG: Stealth Op (Kabuto) [Bane]

There are five Henchman in the "Bane: Venom Overdrive" Bat-Box and up second of what has been completed is 'Stealth Op' (Kabuto).  He is one I can see being used quite frequently with his double Blood Katana, Undercover and Stealth. Stealth Op Painting Points:...

June 20, 2019

June 19, 2019

BMG: Black Flash [Unknown]

My son likes to occasionally play 'Flash', and when using the Speed Force there is a chance that you have to roll 2D6 on the Paradox Table, one of the results on the Paradox Table (12) is "Black Flash Appears".  If 'Black Flash' appears, the model is placed on a board page and is controlled by...

June 18, 2019

BMG: Red Hood (Arkham Knight) [BatB]

It's time to start posting some more models for the week that are completed.  Up first is a model that my son and I got from the MuseOn Con prize table back at the end of May.  He was available, he looked cool, and we still needed him for our collection, 'Red Hood' (Arkham Knight) (Jason...

June 17, 2019

Weekly Chronicle 2019 #24

What a week Week #24 was for painting/modeling, but not so much for gaming.  Last week I had completed 14 models for Batman Miniature Game and they were all for my League of Assassins Crew, and I was able to prep some models for this coming week. The weekend was really slow for me with a few...

June 15, 2019

BMG: Muse on Minis '"Mean Street Light Posts and Sewers"

Since why playing Batman Miniature Game at home, we decided to try and use 3D terrain as much as possible.  In our last game we switched back to using 3D Objectives, and then the other day I thought about the "Mean Street Light Posts and Sewers" from Muse on Minis and thought those would...

June 14, 2019

BMG: Ra's Al Ghul (Rebirth) [LoA]

Wrapping up the League of Assassins with this post ('Goliath' still need sto be completed at a later date) is their main Leader and founder of the League, 'Ras Al Ghul' (Rebirth), along with his Objective, the 'Lazarus Pit'. It feels great to have all of the League fully painted and it gives me plenty...

BMG: The Wizard (Malcolm Merlyn) [LoA]

Today is the last day for my League of Assassins models (for now), and it is the day of the Leaders. Up first is 'The Wizard' (Malcolm Merlyn), and just like with 'The Heretic' yesterday, I am really satisfied how this model turned out.  The Wizard The Wizard Painting Points:...

June 13, 2019

BMG: The Heretic (Damien Wayne Clone) [LoA]

Wrapping up the Sidekicks for League of Assassins is 'The Heretic' (Damien Wayne Clone). I really like how this model came out and I am looking forward to actually trying him in the city of Gotham.  The Heretic The Heretic Painting Points:...

Daily Chronicle: Cults In Gotham

This morning Knight Models released some new models for the Batman Miniature Game, and they just are not any new models, but a whole new Crew design called Cults. "In game terms, a Cult is the same as a Crew, but is composed differently.  In addition, Cults use a new resource called 'Faith'." To...