February 28, 2015

W40K: Black Templars 'Stormraven Gunship 1' Complete

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I started working on my Stormraven Gunship for my Black Templars army. A little bit of painting last night and some more today, and my flyer is completed. I think for 'table top quality', it came out alright. I am still not happy with how my decals look on...

February 27, 2015

W40K: Black Templars 'Stormraven Gunship 1' WIP

Slowly this week I have been working on a Stormraven Gunship as an addition to my Black Templars army. I really like the fact that I can assault from the vehicle, and I thought it would be a cool looking flyer to add to the army.I am hoping to get it all completed tomorrow (Saturday), but I thought...

February 23, 2015

Garage Cleanup (Dragan's Lair)

Over the last few years, my garage has gone through quite a few cleanups depending on which hobby I am currently interested in. Originally when we moved in 5 years ago it was mainly for storage (since we do not have basements here in Arizona) with room for a gaming table. Then I went on a gaming...

February 20, 2015

Warhammer 40K Gaming Board (Secret Weapon)

The past week I have been debateing about what kind of gaming board I want for my garage. I currently have the original Games Workship grass mat, and a brown 6'x4' felt mat, but I do not have anything really for Warhammer 40K. I've been debating between a black felt mat, Frontline Gaming Mat,...

February 19, 2015

W40K: Black Templars 'Terminators'

Besides adding two Black Templars Marines to fill out some units last month, it has been quite a few years since I lasted painted for Warhammer 40K. With my renewed interest in W40K for this year, it is time to get some models painted. My current Black Templars army is quite a few years old,...

February 15, 2015

Battle Report: W40K 2/14/2015

The second game played on Valentine's weekend was Warhammer 40K. My son and I along with our friend Gyan just started a map based campaign to get us back into Warhammer 40K and play some friendly games. I have placed the rules and maps on www.adeptusarizona.com if you would like to follow along. We...

Battle Report: X-Wing 2/13/2015

My long vacation (drive to Florida and back) is over and it is time to get some gaming back in. It has been quite awhile since I played, so this weekend I got in a game of X-Wing and Warhammer 40K.   First we start with X-Wing on Friday night. 'Dark Knight' played in a Store Championship last...