August 12, 2010

LoTR: Eastering Warriors (HW/S x8-1)

[caption id="attachment_422" align="alignleft" width="58" caption="Fallen Realms"][/caption] With having like the way my sample model came out for the Easterling Warriors, I moved on yesterday to complete the remaining 7 models to finish up the first company.  I have roughly about 100 models I...

August 11, 2010

LoTR: Easterling Warrior Sample

[caption id="attachment_422" align="alignleft" width="58" caption="Fallen Realms"][/caption]Now that my Morannon Orcs are done, it was time to move on to painting a new army for Gathering in the Desert 2011.  I decided I wanted go with an Easterling army.  I had purchased 2 of the army boxes...

August 9, 2010

LoTR: Morannon Orcs

[caption id="attachment_407" align="alignleft" width="50" caption="Mordor"][/caption] More, More, Morannon Orcs.  This past weekend I was able to finish up the remaining 12 Morannon Orcs.  With the Orcs done, my list "C" for Gathering in the Desert 2011 is now complete.  List "C" is...

August 4, 2010

Battle Report: LoTR Cirith Ungol vs. Erebor

[caption id="attachment_430" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Games Workshop©"][/caption]A new gamer to Lord of the Rings SBG has been contacting me about possibly getting a game in sometime in the future.  He happened to send me an email yesterday afternoon saying that he was going to be...

August 2, 2010

Painting Points: July 2010

July has now come and gone.  Last month I stated that I had hoped to reach 50 Painting Points for the month of July, well that did not happen.  I was able to manage to achieve 26 points for the month. Here is a quick recap of July: W40K: Eldar Biel Tan Guardian Sample Salamanders Razorback LotR/WotR: Morannon...

August 1, 2010

LoTR: Khamul

[caption id="attachment_422" align="alignleft" width="58" caption="Fallen Realms"][/caption]Friday night I decided to add another model to my LotR collection. 'Khamul'.  Since my son and I are going to be playing a little bit more of WotR and LotR, I choose to go with The Fallen Realms for my WotR...